Did you know you can make money on CraigsList for free?... Here is a simple step by step guide that shows you how:
Looking for an easy way to make money online? How about classified ad sites! Its no secret that classified ads sites are great for making money and CL is the best of the best classified ad sites. Craigslist provides an easy way for almost anyone to make money online. Here is one of the easiest ways to make money online using Craigslist:
To make money online with CraigsList for free,

you have to look into "For Sale" category. In the "For Sale" category of CraigsList, there is a section called "free stuff". In this section, people give away stuff they don't want, for free. You simply have to go pick them up. Some times people even include pictures of these items.
Register for a free CL account
Go to CraigsList and register for a free account, if you already don't have one. You can register for free and it only takes a few seconds.
Search CL to Find free items
There is a section called "free stuff" in the "For Sale" category of CraigsList. Search that section looking for free items in good shape. Sometimes you have to contact the owner to let them know you are going to pick it up, but in most cases, they will put the item in front of their drive way, which you just have to go there and pick it up.
Clean it up to make it look presentable
It pays off to spend a few minutes to clean it up or whatever it needs to make it look better. For example, if its a desk, put a fresh coat of paint on it. Just make the item look as nice as you can.
Don't forget the pictures!
Ads with pictures usually draw more attention. When people look for stuff to buy on CraigsList or anywhere else for that matter, they tend to click on ads with pictures. People want to see what it looks like. So, spend a few minutes taking a few pictures of the item from different angles.
Its sale time!
Simply log in and list your item in the "for sale" category, under the appropriate section. This is very important, make sure you find and list your item under the right section. For example, if the item is a chair, listed under "furniture".
Make sure to ad a good description of the item or if the item has some history to it, be sure to mention it. Give all the information you can to the audience, You never know what little detail may make someone to buy that item form you. Don't forget to put your phone number or email address, so buyers can get in touch with you.
Master the art
Now that you have done it once, it only gets easier and easier. Go back and repeat this process over and over again. After a while, you will know what items sell easier and faster, and what kinds of items don't. As you do this over and over, you will gain some experience and the process becomes much faster and easier.
The good thing about making money CL using this method is that you dont need any especial skills for it. All you need is a free CraigsList account and willingness to put some time and effort into it. All you have to do is find free items, pick them up and list them for sale. Another good thing is that you do not need any money to make money. You are finding worthy free items and selling them for a profit and whatever you sale them for, all of it is pure profit! It's basically a work from home job that allows you to start making money right away with no money and now especial skills.