Building a targeted opt-in list
In internet marketing having an opt-in list literally allows you to make money on demand. I have heard the same question time and time again, "is it really as simple as having a list?” Well the truth of the matter is this, yes it is, but not just any list. Having a huge list of lets say ten thousand is all very well, and yes you will make money from your list, but what if it was highly targeted? Well, you’re going to make a lot more money than you would if it wasn't such a targeted list.
In internet marketing having an
opt-in list literally allows you to make money on demand. I have heard the same question time and time again,

"is it really as simple as having a list?” Well the truth of the matter is this, yes it is, but not just any list. Having a huge list of lets say ten thousand is all very well, and yes you will make money from your list, but what if it was highly targeted? Well, you’re going to make a lot more money than you would if it wasn't such a targeted list.
Anyone can have a list, you don't need to be a so called 'guru' and know everything there is to know about internet marketing to enable you to make money from your list. The first thing that anyone needs to know or should already know is that if you’re going to build a list, it has to be targeted. If for instance you are in a dog training niche, you will want to build a list based around this very topic. Getting people to opt-in to your list you are going to have to have something of use to them, perhaps a free report on the top 10 ways to train your dog to go to the fridge and get you a beer, it could be anything, so long as it is of use to people who want help training the dog.
Although being able to train your dog to go grab you a beer would be an amazing thing to learn, not everyone is going to be interested so your advertising also needs to be targeted. You could visit forums related to dog training, get involved, and start replying to various posts, but having the thought, "I’m here to promote, promote, promote", is not going to get you anywhere. Giving helpful and useful replies is going to brand yourself as the expert, and people are going to begin to notice and like you and thus wanting to know more from you. Most forums allow for you to have a signature or resource box at the end of each comment you post, included in this signature you could have a simple one line ad, for e.g. 'free report reveals top 10 ways to train your dog to fetch your beer '. Again, replying with informative replies is going to be in your favour, people are more likely to click on your link and want find out more.
Of course, visiting forums is not going to be the only way to find targeted visitors to your free report, there are many ways, in fact you’re looking directly at one of the ways right this very second as your reading now. PPC (Pay Per Click) is another great way to get targeted visitors to your site, although of course this can be expensive you can get some great signups using this method. If you run a series of tests you could get onto a winner with this method.
To round up this writting, it really is important you direct your marketing efforts at a certain group of people, those who are going to be interested, rather than just anywhere. Anywhere will get you opt-ins but not so many and not as targeted. Thanks for reading.