Can Your Business From Home Survive Major Surgery
How many times have you heard someone say; Oh, that would not happen to me!? If you are a newbie internet marketer, then you need a plan in place to keep your business from home active just in case a catastrophic event happens in your life.
What would happen if you suddenly needed major surgery? How would your Internet business from home survive? Now,

if you are a seasoned and already successful internet marketer making a good living on auto-pilot, you probably would not be as concerned if you had to limit your involvement for a few weeks, while you recover. Major surgery requires anywhere from 3 to 8 weeks recovery which does not include any required physical therapy.
If you are not yet making that great income allowing you to quit your day J.O.B., it probably means your business is still in those critical growing and nurturing stages. You have been working hard writing articles, making directory submissions, working on back-links, social networking and everything else required on a daily basis to build a successful internet business.
All of a sudden, you need surgery, right in the midst of all this hard and critical work. Worse yet, you are going to be laid up for 12 weeks with surgery and rehabilitation on your dominant shoulder. Your family has no clue what it will take to step into your shoes and carry on with your internet business from home. Your wife can barely check her e-mail and the kids see this as an opportunity to catch up on their computer video games now that dad is not hogging the computer.
It is important that you prepare your business from home for such a devastating event. You must have a plan to keep a minimal amount of activity progressing on your internet business from home. Inactivity is the greatest danger facing you internet business. From experience, you can drop 30 positions in Google for every week your business lays dormant. You need new content regularly, even if it is not the quality material you are usually preparing when you are healthy.
Write extra articles and put them in an emergency folder for just such experiences. Subscribe to a PLR Listing to copy, edit and submit articles as your own. It may not be the quality you are used to, but anything is better than nothing at all. Teach your wife and even your older children how to use some of the simple directory submission tools and some of the key article submission sites. You already have them programmed and set up in your computer, it is just a matter of teaching them a few clicks.
Blogging is another area of keeping activity alive. You can easily teach someone how to copy/paste content to your blog. Commenting on other people's blogs can be accomplished with free blog commenting tools which provides valuable back-links. Directory Submitters have to be the simplest way to build back-links, except maybe a back-link subscription on auto-pilot.
These are just a few ways you can keep your internet business from home active while you recover from major surgery or any other catastrophic event happening in your life. The important thing is to plan ahead and make preparations should such a need arise.