Choose Hot Tubs Direct Reviews the Tubs you Choose Direct reviews the two top rated hot tubs available.
Choosing a hot tub is difficult for a person not familiar with it. There are certain factors you must make sure the tub has to be able to maximize its usage. You must also be very particular on some features to be able to ensure that that tub you are eyeing on is the one for you. It's pretty simple actually,

the trick is knowing what you want. To help you choose, gave this list of reviews about the top selling hot tubs they have.Who is ChooseHotTubsDirect? They are the cheapest online retailer of hot tubs and spas. As the name of the site implies, lets you choose the hot tubs you like direct. Direct in the sense that the tubs you are buying are ordered straight from the manufacturer's factories, making the prices really cheap and assuring you that the tub is at its best quality. ChooseHotTubsDirect isn't like the other online retailers that will forcefully make you purchase upgrades that you don't want. They simply lay out all your options and let you decide what you want and need, and what you do not.
ChooseHotTubsDirect Reviews the Del Mar 6 Person Hot Tub. Aside from being able to fit 6 of your family members or friends, it boasts 90 jets with a 2HP air pump which promotes a very good water circulation. It can hold 550 gallons of water in its 87" L x 87" W x 41" D dimensions. It also is proud to have the Balboa Electronic Topside, which is the best of its kind. It also includes the Balboa Heating system, and the ambiance rainbow lighting system. As for the upgrades, you may add the Vibra Sound Stereo system or the WOW sound stereo system. You may also opt to add the hot tub cover and hot tub steps, and many others. Plus, most of the time, they include a free energy saving system with this tub. Indeed, this is surely a tub to look into when choosing the tub for you. reviews the Aruba 6 person Hot Tub. This hot tub from Island Escape Spas is simply yelling out that you can party like a rock star. It is 37" deep, and 90" long/wide. It has a total of 72 hydrotherapy jets that will give you a full body massage. It is one of the hottest selling tubs, because it really is an investment. You can even enhance it with a TV/DVD and Stereo systems. Unlike the Del Mar, the Aruba has a Smart Touch Digital Control System, which is known to be the most reliable American made spa controls in the industry. And the freebies? The Aruba 6 person, 72 jet hot tub has a free Pristine Water filtration system, to make sure that your water is always sanitized well. You also can get the Hot Tub Ambiance and Exterior Lighting system. And lastly, you will also get a free chemical key with DVD instructional video and test strips. Choose Hot Tubs Direct has a very wide selection of hot tubs that you can choose from. You can choose from different manufacturers different kinds of tubs which fits you the most. Just browse through the site and you will surely have what you desire.