Your ignorance to the dark side is costly as it can deter your success in building any of your good ways to make money online. It is therefore vital for you to tackle the dark side as soon as possible.
Any of your good ways to make money online can easily turn out to be a failure if you are not aware of the dark side that presents along the way. Allowing yourself to be trapped in the dark side will make you abandon your opportunity and stop you from achieving what you want. It is imperative that you understand and learn how to avoid being trapped in it.
Regardless of which good ways to make money you may choose to work on, inevitably, you want it to be a success. However, do you believe in yourself 100% that you can make it? Your mindset has to be set for 100% success. Without a 100%, you will doubt your own ability and find yourself struggling and not moving forward. Most likely, you will question why you have been working so hard but the results are not desirable. This is the first dark side that you definitely want to look into and put it right as soon as you can.
Procrastination is a common disease to success. If you tend to give yourself generously lots of excuses for delaying action, you are trapping yourself in the dark side. Remember that you are the CEO of your business and you hold the responsibility to get it running efficiently and effectively. Take note, with no commitment to take new action(s), your future will equal your past.
How would you react to obstacle? You solve it or let it takes you down? Without overcoming obstacle, you are likely to remain where you are. The existence of obstacles along the way to success is indisputable. So, when you face one, do not let it brings you down, instead find way(s) to overcome it. It is a brainstorming process to gain new experience. Dealing positively with obstacle gives you know how to move forward.
If you do not like what you are doing, you are living in the dark side. The good news is you can always make a change by starting something you like. It does not really matter whether you are in your 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's or even 70's. Age is not a concern but your courage and commitment count. There are plenty of ways to make money online. You can choose Google Adsense, Blogging, Online Surveys, Online Auctions, or Affiliate Marketing. Do some research on how each of them works and get one that you like the most to start with.
After all, you want a successful online business. Then do not let yourself being trapped in the dark side. Take action today to tackle it, and you will soon taste the fruit of success in whichever good ways to make money you work on.