Home design details
Buying a new house for the first time is a very nice experience but also quite big challenge. You are spending a lot of time on searching the right location and appropriate price. When you make a decision and find a perfect place you feel a great relief when the deal is done. After buying furniture and arranging them you think that the case is over. But didn't you forget about something? Design details maybe?
''The devil is hidden in details'',

says the well-known saying. And also appearance of interior of your house depends on small details that you may probably forget about. They are probably not as much essential as dining table, wardrobe and bathtub but having them makes life easier and more pleasant. Make it also more human. What are those details?
First, curtains. It is very important to decide if we want to have them or not. If the answer is yes we should think about the color and material that they are made of. They are very important when it comes to a bedroom: they bring intimacy and specific mood. And in this case they might be heavy, quite long, in deep red color. If it is a kids room the curtains should be colorful to suit children's happy mood. In turn window in kitchen may have nice ornament from small curtains, in some food patterns perhaps, and frills.
Second, cushions, blankets and bed throws. There are not only useful stuff for every home-lover They not only bring worm in a cold day but also a nice feeling that we are in our own house. How does it work? Most of people have their own favorite blanket that is a souvenir from childhood, that brings moments in their life that they barely remember but feel and know that was the most peaceful ever. Cushions and bed throws that match blankets pattern or color will give a complementary and very nice look.
Third, carpets and mats. The floor is very important part of the house and every apartment. Especially when we live with a dog – having the house clean becomes a hard work. So, we can't forget about special dog mat or just a good washable
door mat that will easily keep the dirt of dog's paws in one place. As it comes to bathroom
bath mats will make the deal of slips and falls when coming out of the shower, and mats in the kitchen with signs ''kitchen'' will make it look more sophisticated. And carpets left in the whole house is a great way to complete the look of the living room, bedroom, dining room and corridors.
There probably might be more important items that number you can't even imagine. But when you deal with those which were mentioned above you can ask yourself: ”What is still missing in this room?” and the room will tell you itself. Thanks to curtains, carpets and blankets you will gain great basis to arrange with even smaller details.