Home Party Plan Success Tips : Secrets Of Home Party Experts They Don’t Want You To Know

Jan 20


Patricia Makhulo

Patricia Makhulo

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Do you have a home party marketing system, or are you just stumbling in the dark hoping for the best? Every successful home party business owner will agree with Annie Dillard when she says “How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.”

Party Plan Secrets : Secrets Of Home Party Experts They Don’t Want You To Know

For Home Party Consultants Looking To Succeed!
In out last segment,Home Party Plan Success Tips : Secrets Of Home Party Experts They Don’t Want You To Know Articles I introduced you to the P. A. T Principle of Home Party Success.  We covered the P – Planning your time, your budget, your target market , downline and customer retention strategy!

Every successful home party business owner will agree with Annie Dillard when she says “How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.”

2.  Action:  An ounce of action is worth a pound of theorizing. Simply said, once you create your plan, you need to work your plan. It has been said that an ounce of action is worth a pound of theorizing.  I know that many home party consultants are frustrated with the rate of growth of their direct sales home party business.  For many consistent home party sales profits is a dream in a far off place.  I have a question for you Why did you get involved in business?  Surely not to spend all day on the phone dialing for dollars, then waste precious gas chasing after prospects.

Do you have set office hours?  I mean even if the world is coming to an end, do those near and dear to you know not to bother you during your office hours? 

Probably not!  You are too busy responding to emergencies and failing to take care of that which will change your life so that you no longer have to respond to emergencies!

Do you have a home party marketing system, or are you just stumbling in the dark hoping for the best?

Remember part of Bill Gate’s wealth formula?  Massive and immediate action!  Organizing your desk or office, surfing the net, responding to email, are all necessary tasks, but they do not constitute business-building activity, (unless on the off chance the home business you are running is personal organizer!) 

Signing up 3 new business partners, scheduling 4 new home parties, creating a training website are all examples of business building activity.  They produce tangible, money generating results. Anything else is inconsequential.

95% of New Home Party Plan Consultants fail largely due to info-overload, confusion and flat out frustration. The reason being a lot of home based business owners do not have a system.  Systems allow you to predict the outcome.  A system will allow you to track your efforts.  Do you know which activities give you ROI?  Do you know how much it is costing you host each home party?  Do you know much it costs to aquire a new customer?  Do you know what it costs to make each home party sales? Many people simply do not act because they do no know from whence they came let alone where they are going.  Not knowing is the quickest way to inactivity.

 "Focus on your MVP activities (Most Valuable and Profitable activities). Spend 60-80% of every day on your MVP activities. That still gives you 20-40% of each day to deal with interruptions, emergencies and the unexpected." ~ Mark Sanborn.