House Cleaning - A Guide To Efficiency
It can be maddening to know that our free time has to be spent doing house cleaning chores. With jobs that demand much of our time and a family that takes up much of the rest, few of us have much of what we could legitimately term “leisure time” anymore.
It can be infuriating to know that our free time has to be spent doing house cleaning chores. With jobs that demand much of our time and a family that takes up much of the rest,

few of us have much of what we could legitimately term “leisure time” anymore.
Realizing that they will go crazy otherwise, even middle class families are now turning to house cleaning services so that they don’t have to spend any more time keeping up with menial chores when there are so many better things they could be doing with their time. Still, hiring such a service isn’t for everyone. If you’d like to stay on top of the chores yourself, here are some tips to maximize your efficiency.
The best thing you can do is to stay on top of the chores. Everyone has a bit of the procrastination bug inside of them, with some of them more susceptible to its wiles than others. Either way, it is often more appealing to put off house cleaning for another day when there are far better uses of your time right now. Unfortunately, the more you put off these chores, the bigger they get. Instead of one load of laundry, you’re now looking at three. Instead of lightly vacuuming the front hall, you are now faced with the laborious task of vacuuming the whole house. By doing a little bit, but doing it each day, you keep things from piling up and you don’t exert too much effort or take up too much time in any given session.
Pull in your family to help with the chores. In this day and age, there’s no excuse for all of the house cleaning to fall on one person (unless that person doesn’t work while everyone else is going to the office or studying in school). If everyone is working, then everyone should be contributing to the household chores. Make a list and divide the chores up in a faire and equitable manner. Everyone gets some say in what they would like to do and what they wouldn’t. If there are chores that no one wants to do, they can be rotated on a weekly basis.
If there is simply not enough time to get the chores done, think seriously about hiring an outside service. To come in and clean once a week for a few hours, you’ll probably find that the prices aren’t as exorbitant as you may have thought. It may take some budgeting, but you may very well find it to be worth the money.