How I Help People Make Money Working At Home!© 2003 Jeff D. ... I think back on my first year in internet marketin
How I Help People Make Money Working At Home!
© 2003 Jeff D. Schuman
As I think back on my first year in internet marketing and
network marketing online this thought comes to mind.
Every program I joined I did so because the person I joined
under offered me hope that I could make money and be
successful like them. The programs I stuck with were a direct
result of my sponsor helping me become successful.
The other thing they all did is offered to do things for me
that made it easy to be in business with them.
Most people joining an internet marketing or network
marketing program do not have the skill level to do
what is required to become successful in that business.
Offering to do things for them gives them the hope that
maybe they can learn from you and someday become successful
Having read about or tried many of the "Hottest" programs
at the time I feel qualified to recommend which ones will work.
Now that I am making money online I can recommend programs
and products along with the things I am doing to make money.
But I carry it one step further. I put my money where my mouth
is when it comes to helping people make money online. I will go
so far as to do the 'Grunt' work at first to help people get
their own work at home businesses started.
I will do things like place new members under my new
partners to get them off to a fast start.
We use autoresponders in my groups for follow-up. I will
personally load follow-up messages in the autoresponder for
I put all follow-up messages in one general message that my
downline can access and set-up their own responder as soon
as they are capable.
I will write follow-up letters to their new prospects.
I will personally call new prospects on their behalf.
I will 3 way call new prospects with my partner for
training purposes.
I will give away free leads as an incentive to upgrade in
my program or buy my product and to help them get their own
mailing list going.
You will hear this over and over...but the man or women who
rules the list rules the money. Building a good quality list
is a big key to making money online and I jump right in with
my partners and help them get this going ASAP! My program
Ezine-In-A-Box can help you do that.
I make myself available for follow-up training and to
answer questions after they have begun to go it alone. This
is very comforting when you begin to have your own downline
and prospects looking to you for all of the answers.
I constantly share what is and what isn't working in my own
personal advertising campaigns. I make myself the guinea
pig so to speak.
I use my newsletters to teach people basic computer and
internet marketing skills. Things like email signatures,
basic website design, affiliate link cloaking, power
linking, search engine techniques, importing opt-in leads,
how to place classified ads in ezines, how to set-up a
pay-per-click campaign and more.
Here's the bottom line. If you want to become successful
copy what is already successful. You will find that all of
the guru's will go beyond just selling you their product or
signing you up to join their program.
If you are sincerely working to build your business then
you are going to build their business as well and the
really good ones will do everything they can to help you do
The sooner you can project that image about yourself the
sooner you will be on the road to being the type of person
people want to be in business with!
These are things I do to help people make money online
and I know you will do the same as soon as you can!
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