Nearly all Old books contain mountains of information probably even more important today than ever before, no matter how long ago the books were written. There are now masses of sites on the internet devoting themselves solely to scanning and digitising old books, just for the purpose of making them available for you and me to download to our computers, for our own use either for pleasure or profit.
Old books contain an absolute wealth of information that is just as important today as it ever was,

no matter how long ago the books were written. For example there are now a great many sites on the internet devoting themselves to scanning and digitising old books, in order to make them available for you and me to download to modern computers.
Just do a search and you will come up with pages upon pages of sites giving you lists of historic books to download either at a charge or for free to use as you require. One of the major download sites is Project Gutenberg, which has a massive database of free to use public domain material for you to read online, or download to your own computers entirely at your leisure. Obviously another site and the major player in the game is Google, with their books site.
But why are these ancient books so important and in such great demand you might well ask? Answer. The information you can glean from old books is quite usually relevant to modern times, with maybe just a few minor differences.
For instance, if you take as an example a previously printed book on keeping fit and read it through from start to finish, you will soon realise that with the exception of modern gym equipment for your use, very little else has changed about how to keep fit in general, since the days of Eugen Sandow and his popular book "Strength and How to Obtain it" In fact if we were to use this example and enlarge upon it even further, it soon becomes obvious that there are millions of books in circulation on the subject... and all making money out of the keep fit market for their publishers no matter how large or small.
Now many of these modern books will be reprints and exact copies or very similar to the original version. How can this be so? The answer is that they are all now public domain material. In other words the copyright on them has expired and is available for use by you, me or anyone else in any way we so desire.
So you will see new works being sold all over the world, even though they may just be new rehashes of old books, all making a fantastic income for the individual or publisher that has put a little thought time and effort into using an historic book to make money.
Turning old books into making money is easy as ABC. This process is so simple that it can be carried out by anyone, without the use of any special equipment. You can either rewrite or type your material and then take it to a local print shop for copying and binding.
Better still if you own a computer (and if you are reading this I'll assume you do) then you can use your printer/ scanner- which are very cheap to obtain these days, in order to scan the pages into a word file or notepad. Then edit as you like, even change the title if you wish and add your name as the author, so that possible competitors cannot see exactly where your original work came from. Publish your new book as a printed item, or in digital format for instant download as a PDF file, or burn your book onto a CD.
There are hundreds, if not thousands of different subjects to choose your public domain material from in order to research your own niche market. It is estimated that there are over 85 million ancient books in the Public Domain.
You can get many further examples for Niche product creation by doing a keyword research on one of the many available Internet sites, some of the best ones such as wordtracker being free for your use. You now have no reason for not researching your own niche market, which you can then use to build a product and let old printed books make money for you.