Part 5 of How To Be Successful in Your Home Business and make money is to view media as the way to build your pipeline of prospects, and to use the various forms and endless possibilities that media presents
Business Principle Number 5: MEDIA to feed your marketing pipeline with prospects
On the face of it you may think that this final essential business component is all about marketing. The answer is that yes, you could put this in the sales and marketing category. However, you can treat media as a completely different business function, one that actually feeds your marketing pipeline with prospects. When you do this, you’ll find endless possibilities for targeting your customers and communicating marketing messages.
This is a huge competitive advantage because most businesses don’t focus on media. When you do understand the huge significance of media your business growth will accelerate.
Just think about how you can scale up and leverage your business utilizing the never ending streams of media that are available. Even better is the fact that there are new media sources entering the market every day.
Using media to target and communicate with your potential clients puts you at the cutting edge in business development.
When you think about it, the first 4 business principles are pretty much self explanatory and straightforward. You can only make a profit if you obey the rules of supply and demand. And your business needs excellent management and infrastructure to function effectively and get ahead in the market place so that you can make sales to your customers and hence make profits.
It’s this 5th business principle of media that will set you apart from the crowd, because this is how you are going to let your customers know that you have what they want (remember the hungry crowd
There are so many different types of media that it is impossible to list them all. Each type of media has thousands of opportunities for placement too. You’ll never run out of places to put your advertising.
Here are a few examples:
Articles, Press Releases, Newspapers, Magazines, Journals, Notice Boards., Direct Mail , email, Blogs, eZines, Traffic Exchanges, Trade Journals, Banner Ads, Classified Ads, Banner Exchanges, Radio, TV, Seminars, RSS feeds, Webinars, Joint Ventures with other marketers, Co-registration Services, Flyers, Pay-Per-Click Advertising, eBooks, Reports, Viral eBooks, Pod casts, Online Forums, Business Cards…..and so on and so on..
Each of these has many possibilities and variations
PS it’s a great idea to start your own swipe file of media placement ideas. I use an excel spreadsheet with all the media categories as headings and the specific websites and contact details that I can use to place my ads.
PPS remember that the media can be online and offline
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