Are you a college graduate that would like to make some money from the comfort of your own home? Have you considered some online tutoring? You can find jobs through an online electronic whiteboard. You can access this whiteboard through an online tutoring website.
By using a whiteboard, you can be in contact with the students you are tutoring and work with assignments sent and received back from them, in other words, uploaded and downloaded. In addition, your student can email you or speak to you on the phone if they need further assistance.
If you have good confidence in your tutoring capability, you can go into business for yourself by setting up your own website and promoting your tutoring capability. This way, you can make more money by eliminating the middleman.
If you want to go into business for yourself, you will need to use a good message board and use a chat room. You can make use of free chat rooms and free message boards. The problem here is of low bandwidths and advertisements that pop up all over your ad.
The advertisements that show up on these free sites do not contribute to a professional image, and the low bandwidth may limit your tutoring to a small number of students because of the restrictions placed on traffic. You can start here if you wish , then as you grow and need more bandwidth, change to a paid site. Use one that is preferably set up for a tutoring business.
You will need to get students through advertising. You can advertise online as well as offline. Get to know the rules and regulations regarding advertising before you start. This is especially important if you plan to do a mass email campaign.
Keep in mind, there will always be students in need of tutoring with their class-work, and helping them online can be a very effective means of doing this. It is fast, easy, and efficient. You can be making money doing this quickly!
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