Internet Network Marketing - The Funded Proposal Concept
If you don't know by now, you have to get the point that in order to do business successfully you need to have a marketing budget every month. The say...
If you don't know by now,
you have to get the point that in order to do business successfully you need to have a marketing budget every month. The saying it takes money to make money is pretty darn true.Yes, there are completely free ways to create your own traffic, but if you want to kick your marketing in high gear employing ALL sorts of these different methods will work the best.In order to this in the most efficient way possible, you have to understand the Funded Proposal Concept.Contrary to what many people might think, network marketing is NOT over night riches. In fact, a reasonable expectation if you are doing network marketing, doing it right, and working hard is $500-$1000 by the end of your first 12 months. $10,000 by the end of your first 3-5 years.That is real network marketing expectations if you are doing it right and working hard. So ponder this, if you are spending $500 a month on marketing, and it takes up to 12 months to earn $500-$1000 in residual income, how do you stay in the green?That is where the funded proposal concept comes into play.When we are marketing, we are targeting a group of people who are interested in running their own network marketing business. Rather then simply just focus on our opportunity as our ONLY source of income, we offer a generic product that appeals to the entire market of people we are bringing into our campaign. This is called front end marketing.In this case, information products exactly like this work the absolute best. It has been said (and it’s very true for that matter) that people are much more willing to pay to LEARN how to do something then they are to actually do it.It could not be closer to the truth with network marketing. 95% of the people who you bring into your marketing funnel are NOT going to join your business. But rather then lose all the money you spent to get them into your funnel, you will offer a generic information product that TEACHES them how to be successful at what they want to do.Retailing this product up front will pay for all the actual costs you spent to market in the first place. You can not retail your company’s product. So don’t even think about it. These people are not opting into a list to buy a supplement, a gas pill, or anything elselike that. They are opting in cause they want to know more about network marketing and running their own network marketing business.Not only are you learning how to grow a huge network marketing organization on the internet, but with this course you are also learning exactly how to front end retail products to pay for all your marketing cost. (hint hint)Here is how it works. You become an affiliate for a product that is highly likely to be bought up by the group you are marketing too. Something like that would be teaching them the newest strategies and principles about how to succeed on the internet.Then in your back end auto responder campaign, not only do you have links funneling people to your business, but you also educate people about how to build a network marketing business the right way.You will need your own lead capture page that captures your prospect’sinformation and then they get sent to the funded proposal's sales page. From that point on, the product will handle all the marketing of the course, follow up on the back end with an email campaign, and you collect your money ($50-$149) every time the course sells.It doesn’t take you selling too many courses to have your front end marketing of this course pay for the rest of all your marketing expenses for the month. The beauty of this is that it doesn’t stop there. You can also incorporate higher ticket items farther on your back end, and make BIG TICKET sales to your list once they have gotten to know you a lot better.Personally, this is the ONLY way to do Internet Network Marketing. I just couldn’t fathom doing it any way else. The funded proposal system keeps you in the green no matter what. Once you have this system implemented, you can literally dump tons of money intomarketing and know that you are going to make most of it back on the front end, all the time bringing people into your business on the back end.For more information on how to use the funded proposal concept with your primary network marketing company, click the link below!