... In Your ... By Ken Leonard Jr. ©2002 KLJ Online ... your online business is a hit or miss under- taking. It involves constant testing and tweaking of your ad copy, to get
"Investing In Your Business"
By Ken Leonard Jr.
©2002 KLJ Online
Advertising your online business is a hit or miss under-
taking. It involves constant testing and tweaking of your
ad copy, to get the best return on investment (ROI) for
your advertising dollar (or pound, euro, etc.).
Finding the best places to spend your ad budget is also a trial
by error process. Your hard work will pay off when you get a
good pull from an ad placed in a publication. This pull means
sales, profits from your product or affiliate programs
in which you are involved.
As the money comes in, you will be tempted to take some of
this revenue for your personal use. Business expenses (web-
site hosting, ISP, list manager, etc.) can be paid from
this cash flow, but it is much better to keep your day job
and pay your overhead from your regular salary. This will
reduce the stress put on your business' budget, and keep
you from wanting to draw a paycheck from your online
efforts. If you think that a small check for you won't hurt
your business, think again.
You need to reinvest this revenue back into your online
business if you want it to grow. Having a never-changing
ad budget will limit your growth, and will ultimately lead
to failure. Using most or all revenue generated by your ad
campaigns to begin more campaigns will produce more profits,
and an ever-growing ad budget. This can result in unlimited
growth for your business, and bigger paychecks for you in
the future.
After all, that's what it's all about, right?
Are YOU Right For A Home-Based Business?
The internet is loaded with all sorts of ways for you to work from home. You will consider many options, finding the right fit for your ... and goals. But first, you have to take a look at yThe List Is The Thing
Many ... begin their online sales ventures with the wrong strategy to build long term success. Thinking that a website is the core of their business leads them to focus on getting website visitWhy You Need To "Know Your Opportunity"
Why You Need To "Know Your ... By Ken Leonard Jr. ©2002 KLJ Online Do you have great ideas and ... for starting and building your ... ... Great! Do you lack the mot