Portal Feeder 2.0 - 6 Ways To Build A Profit Pulling List!
There is a guaranteed way to get your list buying from you time after time. We reveal the secret in this informative guide.
Building a profitable mailing list requires more work than just throwing up an opt in form on your website or landing page and getting a bunch of names and addresses.Portal Feeder 2.0 training insists on getting the technique required to build a list the correct way right from the start,

otherwise you're wasting your precious time. There are six deadly sins of list building which we'll touch on in this article.The 6 Deadly Sins Of List Building1. Choosing the wrong market. That's a pretty broad comment yes, but it's a mistake people make over and over again. The wrong market is one which is too tight a niche, almost obscure with very little interest and at the other end of the spectrum, one which is too broad and while popular, there is really nothing in the way of products too offer them.2. An untargeted list. In other words, a list which is too general. Concentrate on a targeted niche with a specific interest and one where you have a choice of products and services you can market to them.3. One off product markets. Again, more good advice within the Portal Feeder training area. While you may make a sale and earn a tidy commission what are you going to offer them next. One off products may include items such as beds and large whitegoods items. Once you make a sale, what next. They may buy again but it could be years before they require another bed. Concentrate on consumable products which need to be renewed on a regular basis and digital products such as books.4. Buying a list. A definite no-no! Be careful of buying lists. For starters, they may not be unique to you and could be highly untargeted. Even more important, are they legally opted-in? Did they give permission for their details to be recorded. It's too big a gray area to take risks with and you only need to purchase one bad list to end up in a whole heap of hot water. 5. Over emailing your list. Portal Feeder emphasizes this as one of the big mistakes over eager IM'ers make. If you inundate your audience with offer after offer they'll unsubscribe in droves. Don't do it. Instead, build a relationship with them. Even if you email them once a week, send them something of value such as a tip or solution to a problem. This will create credibility on your part. When you're ready to recommend a product, they will usually be "all ears."6. Identify yourself clearly. Again, before you become known and trusted by your readers, avoid the temptation to include a mass of links in your emails. In fact, the only link you should contain in your first few contacts should be the unsubscribe link at the bottom.