Professional Organizers: Hiring One To Do The Dirty Work
Professional organizers can help put your life back in order. Some people simply don’t have the time, inclination, or skills to get organized themselves. But all hope is not lost. If you are one of these lost souls. Here’s how to hire them.
There are two types of people in the world: those who thrive on planning out their schedules and having everything in its place,

and those who are surrounded by chaos. Unlike many things, however, where there is no right and wrong, being organized is without question the way to go when you’re talking about productivity. Some people, however, simply don’t have the time, inclination, or skills to get to that point themselves. But all hope is not lost. If you are one of these lost souls, professional organizers can help put your life back in order. Here’s how to hire them.
If you have any friends or coworkers who have used the services of professional organizers in the past, get them to drop you a reference. You may be able to save a little by having a special “in”. If you’re not sure whether or not you could benefit from the service, ask your friend about the service and what it entailed. Ask them if they felt like they got their money’s worth and what benefits it had on their life. Chances are they will be thrilled with the service, as getting organized once and for all can be a real breakthrough. However, if they weren’t satisfied with the work, keep in mind that it could have more to do with that specific company than the concept altogether.
The National Association of Professional Organizers can be a helpful resource when looking for someone to hire. Not only can you get some names for your area, you can learn a bit more about the profession and come to a greater understanding of what a good one can do for you. There is another benefit from choosing someone who is a member of NAPO. Their membership adheres to strict rules of ethics which include bringing integrity and confidentiality to the job. Of course, if you thoroughly interview the person you’re planning to hire, you should be able to expect those qualities whether or not they are a member of any organization.
Finally, find someone who is willing to be flexible. Some professional organizers have a certain way of doing things and they will do their job their way or not at all. Sadly, real life doesn’t work that way. Find someone who is ready to listen to your needs and adapt their program to fit your schedule and your wishes. Only through a smooth partnership can you get great results.