Some Tips to Prepare for Metrics Implementation
There will always some resistance to implementation of metrics, but there are effective ways to prepare for metrics implementation.
By using metrics,

managers can tell what is going on in the company anytime of the day. Maybe not anytime, but when things are not going according to expectations, metrics provide accurate information on what actually is wrong and what managers have to do. In one way or another, companies use metrics since it is a method of measuring management or work efficiency. Certainly, all of them like to be able to tell whether they are doing good or not. The search for the most reliable metrics is never finished. Assessments and evaluations are designed specifically to ferret out problems in the metrics system and come up with revisions that would make them better. Integrating new metrics or revisions to existing ones is never easy. A level of resistance from employees can be expected. Also, the new metrics may require some tinkering of the structures or formulation of new procedures. To prepare for metrics implementation, new or revised, companies will do well to consider all these things first.
Metrics that are alien to employees will meet the most resistance. This comes naturally. Employees develop work habits dictated by routines they have grown comfortable with. Naturally, any disruptions of these established routines will present inconvenience. Growing acclimatized to the new metrics mean some adjustments that may be painful or are not depending on the kind of preparation undertaken prior to full implementation.
Obviously, the best manner of implementing new metrics is by easing them in slowly. But this is only good for the type of metrics that can be implemented piecemeal. For those that need to be implemented at one stroke since it will have a significant effect on many areas of operations, they have to be introduced first in a way where employees get the chance to scrutinize it more fully. A formal discussion on the mechanisms and merits of the new metrics will go a long way in having it accepted more expediently. The fact is that most of the changes in companies are geared towards raising the productivity of employees. Discussions must highlight the benefits employees will get from the implementation of the new metrics – perhaps an easier way of completing tasks and increased pay, as a result of increased productivity.
A new set of metrics that requires tinkering of structures or processes needs a thorough discussion with people concerned to clarify and iron out potential issues arising from implementation. A dry run to test validity of metrics assumptions can do a lot to demonstrate to doubting employees that the metrics are what the doctor actually ordered.
It is easier to implement metrics when the idea of implementing one is the product of natural assessment process of the company, especially when many employees are participants in such assessment. They are aware of the need and maybe they can contribute a thing or two in the kind of metrics is applicable. There will be less time and expense spent on making employees understand and accept the new metrics.
Like all changes, companies have to prepare for metrics implementation. The better they are prepared, the easier they can be integrated into the company structures and the systems and the least resistance from employees.