It is quite natural to become excited about launching your first network marketing business. After all, the idea of writing your own schedule, working from your own home instead of commuting to an office, and determining your own income can be very motivating. For many marketers, though, this enthusiasm begins to wane when they run into difficulty locating viable network marketing leads.
The result of this is rather unfortunate - nearly 95% of network marketers quit their businesses before they ever see a profit.
So how do you obtain high quality, targeted network marketing leads? The answer has nothing at all to do with relentlessly pitching your opportunity to your friends, family members, and business associates. Unless one of these people has expressed a genuine interest in joining and building a business through a network marketing opportunity, your efforts will just end up wasting both your time and theirs. More importantly, pitching to friends and family members can foster a sense of distrust, and can erode relationships that have taken years to build.
Instead, the answer is based in attraction marketing. Forward thinking network marketing companies like YourNetBiz provide marketers with a unique attraction marketing formula to help them locate and attract prospects who are sincerely interested in the YourNetBiz opportunity.
To get qualified network marketing leads, don't focus your marketing efforts on the features of your company, but rather, on solving problems and identifying goals. Your marketing approach should help your prospects connect emotionally with your network marketing opportunity - they should be able to immediately understand what's in it for them, and how it will fulfill their needs.
An easy approach to attraction marketing is to consider the problems that your network marketing opportunity can solve, and the goals that it can help prospects achieve. Maybe it can help recruits leverage their efforts to significantly increase their incomes without investing more time or money. Perhaps it can provide a way for them to devote more time to their families by letting them schedule work time around children's activities.
Your network marketing opportunity may also help prospects further some social goal, such as saving people money, reducing pollution, or helping people manage their time more efficiently.
By looking at your network marketing business in terms of identifying problems and offering solutions, you will be able to put together an effective attraction marketing strategy that will make the process of locating targeted, motivated network marketing prospects quicker, easier, and much less stressful.
Getting Started with YourNetBiz
So you've spent weeks (or even months) looking for just the right network marketing business, and you finally decided that YourNetBiz might be right for you. You've declared your future independence from your day job, but how do you get started with this business?Is Working at Home Right for You?
If you're thinking of starting your own home based business through YourNetBiz, the idea of being your own boss can sound pretty exciting. Indeed, many people who own businesses through YourNetBiz enjoy benefits that many people can only dream of. Before you get started, though, it is important to sit down and think about whether working at home is right for you.How to Prepare for Working from Home
If you're sitting at your desk at work, dreaming of working at home, you may be thinking that you will have plenty of free time to pursue hobbies or just relax. While many entrepreneurs do enjoy more time for their families and themselves, it takes quite a bit of planning and discipline to make this happen. Without proper planning, you can easily end up working far more hours than you did at your day job.