The Logic behind Implementing Test Automation Framework
Test automation for developing software and programs is made easier with the use of a test automation framework. Through this, you are given methodologies and tangible results to work with.
In a nutshell,
test automation is the process of examining and evaluating software applications so that glitches and bugs in the program can be detected early on. This is done so that the proper corrective actions can be implemented so as to get rid of these bugs and glitches. As expected, this process is a formal one so there should also be a test automation framework implemented, to ensure that the proper mechanics are incorporated.
Furthermore, test automation also pertains to tool support for each and every aspect of testing a program or software being developed. This does not just pertain to execution. The process is placed into action by programmers who are also are also under the direction of testers. The progress of the whole process is then measured as to how problems are being solved for both the tester and the test manager. There are many factors that constitute the automation formula. This would differ according to the needs and preferences of the testers and test managers at hand. However, there are several steps that are commonly taken.
The first step is to purchase a GUI or Graphics User Interface test execution tool. A GUI test execution tool actually aims to test all the graphics that come with the software being tested. What happens here is that all tabs, links, and graphics used in operating the software are checked to see if they are working as they should be. It would be very harrowing on the part of software engineers if they release a newly developed media player, only to find out that the PLAY button does not work well.
After getting this tool, the next step is to identify and write down on paper all of the possible test processes that would take place. There is nothing more defining than to see all of these placed on paper. With such an outline to serve as a guide, the whole process can become official. After which, these test processes are then automated by their corresponding automation professionals.
The next step then is to build a framework comprised of a series of tests. These tests should be comprehensive as well as measurable and scaleable. There is no point in creating tests that do not give you concrete figures, to show you whether or not a particular application or program is already good for release with its glitches and bugs appropriately settled. You also have to make sure that the product specifications be consistent and should not change that much once they undergo the testing process.
With these steps, it is not difficult to see just how beneficial it is to have a test automation framework implemented. Through the process, you can enjoy improved efficiency because there are now concrete methodologies that you can use to back up your framework. You can also enjoy significant reductions when it comes to automation costs. Plus, with analysis and test reporting, you now have tangible results whenever you want to check the status of the test, providing you a more accurate way to interpret the results themselves.