When the Chips are Down, ... Goes a Long WayBy Denise Hall (C) 2003Have you ever been so ... that you were ready togive up? Do your dreams of a ... home business seemvery far
When the Chips are Down, Encouragement Goes a Long Way
By Denise Hall (C) 2003
Have you ever been so discouraged that you were ready to
give up? Do your dreams of a profitable home business seem
very far away at times?
I think we all go through it. We work into the wee hours of
the morning, day after day, night after night. At times it
seems that our hard work will never pay off. That no matter
what we do, no one is paying attention.
But chances are, that along the way someone, somewhere has
given you what you need to keep going and become successful.
What is it? A very simple thing, really. ENCOURAGEMENT!
Kind words and compliments can boost our self-esteem and
keep us going. They are the lifeblood of mankind. Sometimes
they're just the thing we need to realize that we CAN and
WILL succeed in achieving our goals, no matter what those
goals may be.
In the last few months I've written several articles about
internet businesses. I've had many compliments about my work
from numerous ezine publishers and readers. I've also had
home business "newbies" ask for my advice to help them get
their businesses off on the right track.
Every time I get such e-mails I think, "Who, me? I'm GOOD
at this? Thank you very much. I'm honored that you enjoyed
my work."
Let me just say that I'm not writing this article to toot
my own horn. I'm writing it to remind everyone how powerful
words can be.
Recently I was very honored and humbled to receive an
e-mail from someone who had just read one of my articles.
Here is what he said:
"Great article. I was very impressed.
You summed it all up rather nicely and concisely in a clear
and very readable message. Nice personal touches as well,
to keep it very human and real! I particularly like your
down to earth style and attitude. Well done, and “Thanks”,
I enjoyed it a lot.
The sincerity and personal connect-ability of your writing
is most refreshing, and admirable. You have a lot of talent
and great instincts.
You are going to go very far indeed. I feel this in my
heart and soul, as well as know it in my head. Keep it up.
You've got what it takes.
Larry L. Nichols
When Only the Right Words will do,
It's Right for You- Right Now!
Web Design and Radio Production
Custom Created, with a Servant's Heart."
Needless to say, I immediately e-mailed him a VERY grateful
thank you message! As it turns out, he's a professional
writer! I am EXTREMELY humbled, indeed!
Do you see what I'm getting at? Words like these are what
keep us going! Whenever someone pays us a compliment it
tells us we're doing a good job. It says, "Hey, don't get
discouraged. You're doing just fine. Keep up the good work!"
So when you're having a bad day, dig out those encouraging
words. Read them, think about them and BELIEVE them.
Pick yourself up and dust yourself off. Get back on your
feet and KNOW that you really can make it work! Remember
that others believe in you and don't ever stop believing in
Thanks to ALL of you who have complimented my work! I
really appreciate it and I hope you continue to enjoy it.
ALL of YOU are what keep me going!
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