The Shocking Truth Guaranteed! We Will Reveal the Ultimate Hidden Secret and Uncover the Incredible Inside Scientific Breakthrough Discovery!! You Can Learn the New Master Plan Below...
Prepare yourself to be shocked as you read this article that reveals the secrets of the Masters. We will strip them of their power over the masses once and for all. You can earn cash profits just as easy as stealing candy from a baby. And guess what – we are going to give you the inside secret master plan for absolutely FREE! And if you want to know how the game is played – Keep Reading!!
It Is Not About the Right Company
How many times have you read those stories about being in the right place, right time, and the right company, my friend it is not about any of those things! Being successful in Network Marketing has nothing to do with new start-ups, whether a company is 2 years old or 100 years old. It has nothing to do with the company – It has to do with you! I will get to that in a minute!
OK, The Company is important! It is important the company be and have stable Management. And we need a company with products people will buy. Personally I prefer a company with consumable products people will buy month after month after month – Continual Cash-flow!
When I say it is not about the company all I mean to say is ‘The Company needs us’ not the other way around. The company needs you and me to buy its products and to introduce other people to do the same. It is not about the company – It is about YOU!
It Is About You
First, did you know that without you there is no opportunity? How many times have you heard, XYZ Company is the greatest opportunity to ever come along? No it is not! Because without you XYZ Company is just another company, and companies come and they go. But you are here and the company needs you to buy their products. As a matter of fact, the company needs thousands of you. That is why they are willing to pay you as a distributor those commission checks each month when you refer others. The company needs you - not the other way around!
Second, the company provides the products and we provide the marketing. It is up to you to Market your business. It is this marketing part of our business that is so hard. How do we do this? The guru’s (so called experts) tell us to talk to our friends, family, etc. You know the 3-foot rule! If someone comes within 3-foot grab them! I don’t know about you but I want to grab and choke the guru’s. Here is a little secret for you – The so-called guru’s are not doing what they teach most people to do!
Marketing – Look for those who want to be in business
Here is the important part of this whole article. There are those who are looking for a better mouse trap. Those who want to work-from-home in there own home-based business. The secret for you to learn is seek out those who are looking for a Network Marketing business. If they are not looking for it you will never sale it to them!
Have you ever heard the story about the guy that did not know what to say when he first got started in his business? He would just go up and say, “You are not looking for away to make extra money are you?” The guy just kept approaching people till he found someone who said, “May be I am, what have you got?” I know this is not a very good approach but if you ask enough people you will find those who are looking for away of making money at home in their spare-time. Here is a secret: Ask!
There are people looking for a Network Marketing (MLM) opportunity. They are out there! You can order leads of people that are looking or run ads on your opportunity. Here is an ad for free that I have run with a lot of success: “Exceptional Opportunity to Earn $$$... Free report (your phone number) or have them send you a S.A.S.E. to: (your address).” This still works!
Here is something the guru’s of Network Marketing are doing on an on-going basis. They are running ads, selling information, and writing articles. Most have learned how to write ad copy that sells information or they are writing articles for publications. Such as this article you are reading now! The guru’s do not have to go out and look for prospects for their business. Their prospects come to them!
If you can read then you can learn to write ad copy or articles. Do you have thoughts or ideas? Start putting those thoughts or ideas on paper and organize them. Read all the articles you can and learn how they are written and put together. Then learn how to submit those articles that you write!
When you are ready to submit set up your personal website or email for people to receive more information on yourself and what you do. Do you have a company you want to refer? This is a big secret that the guru’s use!
Oops! The Secret Is Out!
Did you get my message? What I have done is let the ‘cat out of the bag’. The real secret is to be creative when it comes to getting the word out about your business (marketing)! There are those that probably will be mad at me for revealing the private breakthrough of the century. But I felt it was time to level the playing field and who cares let them be mad. There is a saying goes like this, “If you get mad, you can get glad.” HA! You Have A Right To Learn the Secret To Making Money in the business of MLM!
One More Thing
Do not ever Quit! The guru’s also know this Secret. With any business you have to hang in there for the long haul. Do not jump from one company to another company every 2 to 3 months. There are guru’s out there that prey on people to get them to join their company. If the company you are with has products and/or services you like and they are stable stay with that company and market your business. The secret to the big incomes being earned in this business is working one company. Network Marketing is a 2 to 5 year plan – Stay the course you can make it!
Copyright 2006 HM
All Rights reserved
If You Can't Stand the Heat Stay Out of the Kitchen
Try this: If you do not like what you are doing change! Fire Your Boss!Make Your Annual Income Your Monthly Income
You can learn to earn in one month what use to take you one year every month after month - Guaranteed Residual Income!The Secret To Sponsoring More People Guaranteed
How would you like to be a sponsoring magnetic that draws people into your business of Network Marketing? Continue Reading to learn the secret to sponsoring more people absolutely Guaranteed!