Advantages Of Making Cotton Shag Rugs
Shaggy rugs are a great thing to have when spicing up your home. Learn how to make one for yourself.
Many individuals will use shaggy rugs in their homes as a way to brighten the space and to make it appear more vivid or to enhance the theme that was produced. You will be able to make your own shaggy rug.Making a cotton shag rug is not a simple process - but neither is it too tough. It is made up of weave and heavy cloth that makes it lasting. The heavy cotton or rug yarn is what will be used to produce the shaggy look. The cloth you choose should be knit or woven into narrow slips of ¼” wide and 3” long.You will find the rug yarn and the burlap back from any fabric store. Make sure to shop around for great deals and the ideal colors to use in your room. Smaller rugs only require one yard of fabric. For extensive ones you must measure the space you want it to cover and sew one large slip of yards together.Wash the back and iron it so that it is smooth. When it is flat you will be able to measure and cut it to the right size. Make sure that the hem is one inch longer in the width and hem. Fold the hem underneath ½’ twice and sew it round all of the borders. Begin at one border and hold the burlap down.With your other hand,

you want to be holding the hook at the top and set it into the burlap. Each square of the cotton shag rug weave must be one stitch. Securely hold the yarn pieces beneath the burlap and take hold of one strip in the middle of the hook. Now draw the loop through. Take hold of the ends of the strip and pull it through the loop. Pull it tight till a knot is made.