Bat Removal and Your Home
How do you know if you have a bat problem requires bat removal?
One of the world's most amazing creatures is the bat. By eating bugs,

it makes them an important part of the local environment. Unfortunately bats sometimes find themselves in homes, either because their normal habitats are being destroyed or because they got misdirected and needed a place to roost. Can you get rid of the bat yourself, or are you going to have to hire a bat removal specialist?
To keep both you and the bat safe, there are a few things that you will need when you are removing the bats from your building. These necessary items include heavy work gloves so that you do not get bitten, a small net or towel so that you can catch the bat without harming it, a mesh screen, duct tape, and a bat house in which to relocate the bat.
When you suspect you have bats in your home, you first need to figure out where the bat is and contain it. Close all doors, open all windows in the room, and turn on the lights so that you and the bat can see each other so that no one is startled. Next, you need to get the bat out of the house. This is where the heavy work gloves come in. When the lights have been turned on, the bat will start looking for a new place to sleep as they like dark places. As long as the bat is not moving, you should be able to catch it in the net or towel and release it outside the house.
Once the bat has been released outside the home, you need to figure out how the bats are getting in. Before you close up the house completely, make sure that there are no more bats in the house. To do this, you need to observe your attic during the evening hours so that you can see where the bats are coming and going. They can get into holes the size of your fingernail, so you will need to look closely. Once you find the holes you need to cover it with mesh so that the bats can get out, but not in.
A great way to keep the bats from coming in is to give them an alternative place to call home, such as a bat house placed near where they are getting in. If the bat house is close enough, they may relocate there. Now it would be a good idea to have a bat removal specialist come out to your home to help you seal the bats out permanently.
If you do not feel comfortable trying to remove the bat yourself, then call a bat removal specialist and he will make sure the bats can be removed safely and humanely and that your home is free from these pests.