Bathroom Remodeling: The Components of the Job
Bathroom remodeling jobs are like snowflakes: no two will ever look completely alike. For this reason, it’s important to go into the job with a sense of freedom and exploration. Here are some components that will help you find some ideas.
Bathroom remodeling jobs are like snowflakes: no two will ever look completely alike. For this reason,

it’s important to go into the job with a sense of freedom and exploration. Whether you’re planning to hire a contractor—and for big jobs, you should definitely consider doing this—or want to do it yourself, your imagination and budget will be your only limits when it comes to making it look how you want it to. Many homeowners feel a great deal more freedom when it comes to remaking the bathroom, as it isn’t one of those set pieces like the kitchen or living room that every guest is going to see right off the bat. This can make it easier to relax and have a little fun with the concepts. Here are some components that will help you find some ideas.
No bathroom remodeling job is complete without putting some thought into your toilet system. If you go look through a catalog or the local hardware store, you might be surprised at the number of choices you have available to you. Don’t get overwhelmed—the variety is what brings the fun into play. You can choose the shape, the color, and the size. Toilets come in a wide range of prices as well, so you’re sure to find something that strikes your fancy at any budget. Remember to always choose function over form, however. This is true of any aspect of the job, but it is especially true here. No matter how much you like the looks of a toilet, you’ll grow to hate it fairly quickly if it isn’t comfortable.
Mirrors are underappreciated in not only bathroom remodeling but in all aspects of home design. If you are someone who has always looked at a mirror as simply a place to see your reflection, you could be missing out on one of the most powerful design elements you can implement. Various frames and fixtures can light up a room, and having mirrors always gives the illusion of more space. They also bring with them a sensibility that can range from ultra-modern to richly retro, depending on the style.
If your bathroom remodeling job is tagged as a major job, you’re probably going to be looking at doing something with your shower or bathtub as well. Here, you’ll have even more designs and concepts to play with. One of the best things you can do is to go big. Many people underestimate the luxury of a really big shower or bath, but it doesn’t take much time to get used to it. Once you have the room to really move around, you’ll never want to go back to a cramped shower.
As stated before, the best decision you can make is to hire a good contractor who can not only install everything but can also lend a hand when it comes to choosing the right materials and even making the design flow.