Carpet Installation Selection, Planning and Preparing
When you choose a carpet for your home or office you want professionals to come in and handle the installation. In order to make sure things go smoothly there are things that you can do to plan.
Before you install carpet you want to go in with a plan. You have an idea of what you want including the texture and maybe even the color,

but there is still more work that needs to be done. Look at all of the options available to you. Think about the amount of traffic that will come through the space. Once you have decided what you want on the floors it is time to plan for the installation.
Measuring the Space
When you look at a bedroom or family room you can guess the size. You may have a rough estimate of the square feet and that will give you some idea of the cost of the carpet. But when you have professionals come into your home to measure you get an exact idea of just how much you need. They take into consideration closets, rounded walls, and crevices and spaces that still need to be covered.
Measuring usually doesn't take very long. While it can be a one person job, don't be surprised if you see two people taking on the task. Once they have the numbers you will see some old fashioned math or a calculator figuring out exactly what the cost will be.
You don't want to put carpet down anywhere in your home without padding. This is what makes it feel good to walk across the floor in your bare feet. This is what makes it the perfect place for your little ones crawl or take that first step. In most cases this is an additional cost and needs to be figured in to the price. As with any flooring there are a variety of choices from low to high in cost and quality.
Installation Day
The most important part of getting ready for the big day is making sure that you remove as much as you can from the floor of the room. Usually the installation team will move your larger pieces of furniture like a table, couch, or entertainment center. But you want to have everything else moved and out of the way. Remember there will be some pretty large carpet rolls making their way into the home and they need a clear walkway.
While you need to be there for the carpet installation to begin you may want to take everyone out for an activity while the work is being done. If you have small children they are going to be captivated by the change taking place in your home. They will want to be the first people to get on there and test it out. But you want to wait until all the work is done before you release them. If you don't want to leave you can just move to another part of the house and occupy everyone there.