Carpet vs. Tile: Which Is Better For Your Home?
Which is better, carpet or tile? When looking at flooring for your home there are benefits and downfalls to both. Look at each carefully before you make your decision.
When it comes to flooring carpet and tile are popular options. While they are vastly different there are benefits to both. Consider bringing in a professional to take a look at your home and the wear patterns on your current flooring. He or she can give you insight as to which option may be better.
It isn't always easy to compare the cost of carpet and tile. Both have options based on affordability as well as quality. Before looking into either one,

consider having your home measured. It will at least give you a figure to work with as you shop for your flooring. Both will need to be installed by a team of professionals, so take that cost into consideration as well.
When you walk in to look at tile you can find everything from plain white to a marbled mix of colors and just about everything in between. There is a real variety in size as well. You can check out each different pattern or solid, take a sample home and see what you think. You don't have to keep with the same tile throughout the house. You can choose to put something different in the bathroom, something different in the kitchen, and something different down the halls. The choice is yours.
Carpet is similar in that there are all types of options for you to look into. Consider a solid light color to brighten up a room. Darker options may create a larger contrast with the walls. If you aren't interested in solids you can check out the different patterns and textures available. You may find something with a combination of colors that will fit perfectly into a room. Just like tile you can take a sample home and try it out. You also aren't limited by just one type and color. You can give each room a different color with the hall being completely different or you can just have the same color throughout.
Texture and Feel
Here carpet and tile head in completely different directions. Tile is going to feel hard against your feet as you walk barefoot across the space. Most people use different rugs to separate the areas or provide a little extra comfort for your feet. Tile can at times be slippery, especially if it has just been cleaned.
Carpet has a completely different feel. While you can choose a flat and structured option, you will still feel some give as you walk. There is padding underneath and depending on which one you choose you can have a real bounce in your step. It's tough to slide across the floor but you might not mind sitting on the floor if it is comfy enough.
No matter which option you choose be sure to weigh out each one. Look at both and figure out what is best for your home and your family.