Cleaning Microfiber Towels

Apr 15


James Dudra

James Dudra

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Microfiber towels are a handy tool for cleaning just about anything these days. From cars to countertops, these towels cover a wide range of surfaces. An added benefit, is of course the fact that they can be re-used multiple times. This means you can ditch the old rag bin you keep under the kitchen counter.


Microfiber towels are a handy tool for cleaning just about anything these days. From cars to countertops,Cleaning Microfiber Towels Articles these towels cover a wide range of surfaces. An added benefit, is of course the fact that they can be re-used multiple times. This means you can ditch the old rag bin you keep under the kitchen counter. Now after you’ve used your microfiber towel you’ll probably notice all the gunk that gets embedded in those tiny fibers. So how does one go about cleaning all this dirt off the towel? There are definitely best-practices to help make sure you keep your microfiber towels clean without damaging them for their next use. Compiled below is a list of tips for proper maintenance.

  • Pre-soak in a bucket of warm water and dish detergent to help loosen the dirt particles
  • Launder in your washing machine with detergent separate from any other type of fabric.
  • Do not use any bleach or fabric softener when you clean the microfibers. The fabric softener clogs the microfibers while the bleach actually deteriorates the towels
  • Toss in the dryer and turn to tumble dry (low) or no heat at all. Heat will melt the microfibers and effect their performance
  • Do not iron the microfibers (once again the heat issue)

Following these simple steps will help give your microfiber towels their maximum life while also enhancing their cleaning power. For more cleaning tips visit our website – eco touch™ waterless car wash - we sell a complete line of microfiber towels and "green" car wash supplies.