Let’s say you have a condo and you are struggling to keep it clean. There are plenty of strategies out there on the best way to go about cleaning condos. Try a few and find the best cleaning solution for you.
When it comes to cleaning strategies,

no one way is the best way. Everyone has to find a strategy that can work best for their home and their specific situation. Some people focus on one room at a time. Other people focus on certain tasks set aside throughout the week. There are many tricks and you just have to try them all until you can find the best way for you to keep your condo clean.
Many people think condos are smaller than houses. This is not true. A condo can come in a variety of sizes from an extravagant six bedrooms to one bedroom and one bath. To be considered a condominium and not a house, the unit must have some shared space with other tenants like hallways, entryways, stairs or mailboxes. The difference between a condo and an apartment is that the condo is owned by the tenant, rather than rented.
Since condos come in all sizes just like houses, they can get just as dirty. Just like in a house, dust from open windows filters in, closets get disorganized, items get left out on the floor or living spaces and dishes don’t get washed. All of the same kinds of messes can happen in a condo, as in any other type of living situation.
So, how can you keep your condo clean? As mentioned previously, the experts suggest trying a number of different strategies. If you research the topic, most experts will suggest finding time to focus a little attention on cleaning each day. If picking up in a variety of rooms doesn’t work for you, try focusing your attention on one room.
Devote all your time to cleaning your living room one week, then switch to your bedroom the following week. This will create a cycle for you. In smaller condos, you will be able to cycle from room to room during a month long period. For larger homes, you may need to combine weekly tasks. For example, focus on bedroom and bathroom one week, then kitchen and second bathroom the next week.
If this strategy becomes too overwhelming, then perhaps you should try picking a Saturday or Sunday and tackle it all. Give yourself a list and start at the top, crossing things off as you go along. It is best to start with doing laundry and straightening—putting things away where they belong. Then, move on to dusting, as this will cause dust to fall to floor. Finish up the day with sweeping and either vacuuming or mopping depending on your floors’ needs.
Save up your energy and find a good time of day to motivate yourself. Try promising yourself treats or special conditions if you get the cleaning done. Condos can get messy fast so finding time to clean is important.