If woodworking has always been something you'd like to try, learn about some of the basic tools and equipment needed for your first carpentry projects. Once you have a grasp on the tools you'll need, you can jump into your new hobby prepared!
If you're planning to attempt some carpentry projects around your home,

you'll probably want to consult with an experienced handyman. Ask about what tools will be useful for the specific job you wish to complete, materials that would be the most durable, and any extra tips for creating a finished product that looks professional. Here are some general notes to get you geared up for you newest (and possibly your first!) handyman endeavor:
Basic Supplies for the DIY Woodworker
Many of your supplies will vary depending on what project you're working on, but there are some basic carpentry tools that you'll need for every single project you attempt. These basics include a hammer, a wood plane, files, a drill and its parts, a variety of saws, screwdrivers, hand sanders, routers, and chisels. In fact, if you begin working on a variety of projects, you'll probably end up with several shapes and sizes of the same tool! The smaller, do-it-yourself options for these tools usually cost about $100 each, so you'll probably build up your tool box slowly as you purchase a couple new tools for each project. Before you know it, you'll have everything you need to accomplish whatever project you'd like to do!
Some other basic supplies include items that will be used frequently and will need to be replaced occasionally as you use them up. These include items like sandpaper, rubber gloves, stain, nails, and other consumable products that will be used in each project. As with the bigger tools, you'll collect a variety of wood stain colors and nail sizes as you branch out into new projects.
Woodworking Equipment for Your Specialty
If you're planning to make a business of your carpentry venture, you'll probably want to begin by specializing in one field, then branching out into others. For instance, you could begin by focusing on wooden toys for children. You'll need tools like a small band saw, a scroll saw, a lathe, and drill press. If you'd prefer to focus on building small furniture items for children, for decoration around your home, or to sell, you'll need to build a small table saw, a planner, and a table sander into your collection. As you keep branching out into various fields, you'll find that your collection will quickly grow to a point where you seldom have to purchase new tools for the new projects you plan to attempt.
Final Notes on Woodworking Projects
Woodworking as a hobby and as a profession can offer an extremely relaxing and rewarding experience, especially if it's a project which you thoroughly enjoy! Planning your creation and then watching it gradually come into being as you work on it with your own hands is exciting and gives a sense of accomplishment as the project progresses toward completion.
One final note on carpentry tools: Many experienced woodworkers advise against purchasing the least expensive tools on the market. You'll find that the cheap tools don't work as well in the long term, and they skimp on safety features, which are extremely important when dealing with tools that cut through wood!