Hardwood floors can add beauty and eligance to any room in your home. They do require some regular maintenance, and in due time you will find that you will need to refinish your hardwood floors. Thank goodness that with effort and patience this is something that can be done and won't be too terribly difficult. Once done, your floors will look as good as they day they were put in.
Hardwood floors can beautify your home, but like any wood product, they must be properly cared for in order to maintain their luster and elegance. Hardwood floor refinishing is not a difficult process, but is a necessary one if those floors are to be maintained. By putting aside a little time to dedicate to refinishing hardwood floors, they will last for years, keeping that fresh and new appearance free of scratches and scuffs.
The process of refinishing hardwood floors involves two main steps: sanding and staining. Sanding removes the buildup of dirt and old wood from the floor's surface and gives you a fresh wood surface to work from. After you've sanded the floor, staining gives the floor's surface a less rough, more polished look.
Before refinishing hardwood floors, you should first check to make sure they need refinishing in the first place. A good test is to place a drop of water on the wood floor. If the wood absorbs it quickly, you should refinish the floor. If it is absorbed more slowly or not at all, you do not need to refinish the floor right away.
When you inspect the floor, make sure it doesn't need any repairs. Problems to inspect for include warped or squeaking floor boards, badly stained wood, and other permanent damage. If any of these issues are present, you should repair them before refinishing the floor.
Once you've determined that your floor truly needs refinishing but does not require other repairs, you can start your work. First, remove all objects from the room and cover all openings, vents and light fixtures. Sanding is a messy process and you want to protect the room from the inevitable dust.
Initial sanding will be done with a drum sander. The power of this tool can easily damage the wood if you let it stand in one place for more than a few seconds, so keep it moving. Don't rush your job, however. If you have trouble reaching corners with the drum sander, try using an edge sander.
After you finish sanding, clean up the dust and debris. Now, you're ready to stain the floor. There are several kinds of stains available - water based and oil based stains with a variety of appearances. Choose the one that suits your floor best, and follow all instructions given. You should pay special attention to how many coats are needed and how long the stain takes to dry.
Once you have learned how to refinish hardwood floors, you will never need to hire a professional. The process of refinishing hardwood floors is time consuming, but it is worthwhile when your dull and dingy floor is gleaming and shiny. When the stain is dry, congratulations! You have just refinished your floor yourself. Let your beautiful new floor assure you that it was well worth the effort.
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