A lot of Oregon residents deal with bed bugs and these pests are mean. Many bedbugs today have adjusted to the human environment. These are the kinds that cause the most damage for people.
Bed bugs are something that a lot of Oregon residents deal with. Many bedbugs today have adjusted to the human environment. These are the kinds that cause the most damage for people.
These bugs are frequently seen in the Pacific Northwest today,

and have recently come on the scene with a vengeance over the last 10 years. They have become a big problem today for houses, apartments, condos, as well as other locations.
One of the reasons these bugs often get inside is because they are often brought back from a trip. This could be through suitcases or clothing. So first of all, you want to inspect everything after you get back from a trip, to make sure there are no bugs inside. If you find any inside your suitcase, then you want to get rid of them.
Of course, sometimes it is too late, and they have already gotten inside the house. Even so, the methods for eliminating them are the same. The following are a couple suggestions for how to do this.
One of the best is steam cleaning. Bed bugs cannot withstand is high temperatures. Therefore, steam cleaning everything where you suspect the bed bugs live is a great method for getting rid of them. The temperature should be 45 degrees Celsius or higher in order to be most effective.
For best results, make sure to keep the flow of steam to a minimum. This is so that you do not allow the surface to get wet. Also, the steam cleaning device should blow low vapor flow, albeit it at a high temperature. However, make sure you read the instructions completely prior to using the steam cleaning device, or you might do more harm than good.
Remember: since the nozzle has a very narrow area to blow the vapor through, you must be careful to point it straight to the surface you are treating. The process will take you some time, since you need to be cautious and make sure you do everything in a meticulous manner. This just ensures you get every square inch of the surface where these pests live.
Where should you steam clean? The best place to start is the mattress. This is where bed bugs tend to congregate. Also, do the base of the bed. After you have taken care of the bed, move on to pieces of furniture such as sofas and chairs. Really any area of the bedroom is fair game. If you occasionally sleep on your couch, then you want to apply the same treatment here.
The bottom line is that these pests are a nuisance. They can produce a lot of itchy bite marks that aggravate you throughout the day, and they must be eliminated soon. Just make sure to steam clean everything, and you should see good results. You might even want to hire an exterminator for this process. Be sure to call around and get estimates, as well as ask for their client recommendations to ensure you find a quality company. Often, they can often produce better results than you could yourself.