Don’t Bring Unexpected Bed Bugs Home when Traveling
If you do make a mistake and bring a few bed bugs home then it can quickly lead to a larger infestation. Therefore, it is best for you to take the proper precautions when traveling. Here are a few tips for doing so.
Hotel and motel rooms across the country are starting to have problems with bed bugs. The pests are starting to infiltrate other establishments such as movie theaters and dorm rooms too. As a result you need to be careful when traveling so you do not bring unexpected bed bugs back home.
If you do make a mistake and bring a few home then it can quickly lead to a larger infestation. Therefore,

it is best for you to take the proper precautions when traveling. Here are a few tips for doing so.
You will undoubtedly bring some luggage along with you while traveling. The type of suitcase you carry can determine if bed bugs find it appealing. Suitcases which are pretty flexible offer all types of seams, folds, and nooks for them to inhabit. A suitcase with a hard-shelled exterior will help negate this problem.
You also need to be carefulbugs do not reside in the clothes inside. Give them a good shake before putting them on. You can also keep all types of bugs out of the clothes entirely if you keep them all wrapped up in a large plastic bag.
Do not keep your suitcase lying around open. It is best for you to only open it up whenever you need something inside. As far as storing your suitcase is concerned, it is best for you to store it on a high shelf away from the bed or couch. Most hotel rooms have a metal rack inside the closet which is just perfect for this purpose.
The first day you arrive in the hotel room you should check it thoroughly to see if there is a problem with bed bugs. They can hide in many places, so check more than just the bed. Check the cushions on the couch, upholstered chairs, beneath furniture, and the edge of carpeting. It is best for you to check the room again the next night in case you missed something the first time around.
Whenever you come home from your trip you should immediately isolate all luggage until you are quite sure there are no unexpected bed bugs or other pests. Do not simply toss your suitcases on the bed and come back to it later. If you do spot any bed bugs, you can use rubbing alcohol to dispatch of them quickly and easily.
If you travel frequently, make sure you do not pick up any bed bugs. They can give you a huge headache if you bring them back to your home.