Drain Plumbers - Drain Line Installation
Most people can easily manage small clogs, but if your child dropped a toy down the toilet, it might be time to have a professional drain cleaning. If you are interested please read the following article.
Most drain line installations tend to be fairly simple procedures as long as the proper planning is taken into consideration beforehand. In some cases it may be necessary to call in a professional drain plumber,

however with the right tools and a little know-how, this project can be easily accomplished by the home-owner itself. Be sure to check with your local codes in order to make sure you are within your state’s regulations.
Step 1: Plan the Piping
Many various types of piping and fittings exist, each created with the intention of functionality. When planning your system, keep in mind the different sizes you will need and whether or not the sizing will change along the way. Knowing the angles to account for as well as the diameter of the piping will ultimately determine what materials to purchase.
Step 2: Cut the Pipe
With your goggles on, use the hacksaw to cut the lengths of pipe. Be sure to note which part goes where to ensure the process runs smooth as possible. Once the tubes are cut, use a piece of sandpaper to smooth the edges, and apply cleaning solvent to wipe the ends.
Step 3: Check Your Measurements
Prior to gluing the ends, fit the piping together to make sure your measurements are correct. You would hate to get half way through before realizing a mistake. In this way, you will be able to tell whether the system will work prior to making it permanent. Mark all fittings and parts to use as a road map. Apply the glue and insert the pipes into their designated fitting, making sure the glue gets spread along the inside of the fitting.
Step 4: Install Drain Line
Mark the ceiling and walls in the places where the pipe will be run and where the pipe girders will be installed. The girders act to stabilize the pipes as they run along the walls. Place these roughly sixteen inches apart. Drill the pipe girders into place.
Step 5: Test Your Work
Once everything is in its place it is time to run the initial test. Run the water and check for breaks or leaks. If you find any problems be sure to repair as needed.
And there you have it; your very one DIY drain line, certainly deserving a good old pat on the back. You can use these skills any time you to fix a basic and minor problem.