French Drains are the Perfect Solution for Many Drainage Problems
French drains form a system which helps get rid of excess water in the soil. The classic design is very, very simple. It consists of a trench simply filled with gravel and sand on top. Whenever water travels over the spot, it will sink down through the gravel and sand instead of accumulating on the ground.
French drains form a system which helps get rid of excess water in the soil. The classic design is very,

very simple. It consists of a trench simply filled with gravel and sand on top. Whenever water travels over the spot, it will sink down through the gravel and sand instead of accumulating on the ground.
The modern version of a French drain is usually found underground. It helps route groundwater to a location far from the foundation of your home. This new location will need to be somewhere at a lower elevation.
Homeowners can experience drainage problems on their property for a variety of reasons. French drains can be the perfect solution for many of these problems. One of the most common situations is when you live in an area that gets plenty of rain.
Obviously, with more rain, there will be more water on the ground. If you do not have a system in place that routes the water somewhere else, it may penetrate the foundation and cause problems. Excessive rainwater can largely be dealt with using French drains.
Even if excessive rainfall is not a problem, the type of soil found on your property may benefit from having a French drain installed. One of the most problematic types of soil is clay. Clay will retain water very well which is something you do not want.
The type of slope you live on may also give you drainage problems. If you live on the bottom or side of a hill, then water will naturally be routed directly at your home. A French drain will help route the water somewhere else.
Some homeowners have problems with water accumulating in certain spots of their home. This is particularly a problem in the backyard, especially if they are at the base of a slope. You can have a French drain installed to route water away from these troublesome spots somewhere where it will not cause any problems.
You will find French drains can be a very economical solution to your drainage problems. The classic design is incredibly easy to construct, something you can even do yourself. You will simply need to dig a trench and fill it with sand and gravel.
If you experience drainage problems around your home, then a French drain may be the perfect solution for you. It can help if you live in an area with excessive rainfall or if you have certain types of soil like clay. A French drain is especially useful if you have problems because you live on the bottom of a hill.