Garage Door Openers – Choosing the Best For Your Home
The proper functioning of garage door openers can mean the difference between getting to work on time and waiting on the bus. Read on to learn the different types, and find which best benefits your home and needs.
Garage door openers come in a variety of styles and materials. There are types that are chain driven,

belt driven, and screw driven. All three can offer different options in creating the best entrance for your automobile storage or into a home. However, each style has different benefits, so if you are currently weighing your options for garage door openers that you will potentially purchase, read on for more information.
Chain drives are not only the most reliable type of garage door openers, but also the most popular in most homes. The door is lifted up and down on a metal chain along a track, which causes this design to be somewhat noisy. The moderate sound emission should not be a problem. However, if your bedroom or main living room is located near the garage's entrance, you may want to consider another model option.
Belt driven garage door openers are virtually silent while being as reliable as the chain driven styles. An industry standard for best product, this model runs on a rubber belt and may be more expensive than chain drives. Whether your home is attached to the garage or not, you and your family will never be bothered by the minimal amount of noise it creates.
Another model to think about is the screw driven opener. This design utilizes a threaded steel rod for its lifting device. For homes in climates that do not change drastically throughout the year, such as in New Orleans or Orlando, garage doors will benefit best from this type of opener. However, if the temperature in your area does go through drastic changes, consider other models. This design is the cheapest, but creates the most noise of all available openers.
All three styles offer remote control transmitters to lift the doors, regardless of the type of belt drive. In addition, a wall station is installed for indoor control of your garage's entrance. This part is designed with an illuminated push-button and lock switch to ensure your safety and convenience. All openers come with a built in safety reversal system with flashing warning lights in the event that contact is made with any object obstructing the door's path. In addition, all models are enabled with automatic lock systems to bolster security.
When choosing a door opener, it pays to know what your needs will be ahead of time. Consider the placement of your garage and its proximity to the rooms of your home to make sure noise will not be a problem. Also, take note of the weather in your area, as some models will be affected if drastic temperature changes are to take place throughout the year. The openers are designed to open and close with a smooth transition of motion, so as to decrease strain on the motor and guarantee that the product will last a lifetime. Consult your price range versus these factors that may affect you and your family and you will make the best choice for your garage and your home overall.