What you should know about gas fireplaces.
Pros and Cons of a Gas Fireplace
If you've picked out your fireplace mantel,

you may be thinking about revamping your whole hearth. You could redo the wood burning fireplace you have now or you could install a brand new gas or electric fireplace. This article will give you all the pros and cons of gas fireplaces to complement your mantel.
Gas Fireplace Pros
There are lots of great reasons to add a gas fireplace to your home:
* Reliable and easy to control, you can turn on your gas fireplace with the push of a button and even sometimes by remote. Most even come with timers, so that you can control the amount of time your fire burns.
* Easy installation if you already have a fireplace. Most gas fireplaces come as inserts that can fit into your old firebox. Unvented gas fireplaces don't not need a chimney and can be installed easily into any room in the house. Vented gas fireplaces use your chimney to expel waste products and do best when fitted into a firebox.
* 70% of heat can remain in the house instead of being lost up the chimney. You can even control the amount of heat that enters the room by turning the fan on or off.
* You don't have to take the time to build a fire or clean up the ash in order to enjoy your fireplace.
Gas Fireplace Cons
Gas fireplaces are great additions to your home, but there can be a few cons to consider:
* Unvented gas fireplaces come equipped with Oxygen Depletion Sensors, which turn the gas off if the carbon monoxide reaches high levels. However, you may want to install extra carbon monoxide detectors in your home just in case.
* You miss the authentic crackle and nostalgic smell of a wood burning fireplace.
* Unvented gas fireplaces are very hot so that they can burn off almost all of the natural gas that would typically escape out of the vent. You have to be very careful when children or pets are near unvented gas fireplaces.
* You don't have to take the time to build a fire or clean up the ash in order to enjoy your fireplace.
* Because water is a byproduct of combustion, gas fireplaces create extra moisture.