Get A Better Return On Some Improvements
There are lots of home improvement projects that add value to your home, but there are some that can easily get out of hand and end up never recouping...
There are lots of home improvement projects that add value to your home,

but there are some that can easily get out of hand and end up never recouping the investment. There are two places that many home owners will sink a lot of money, the kitchen and master bathroom. And while these two rooms can often get a decent return on investment, there is a fine line to walk in order to not go overboard.
The primary question you have to ask yourself prior to beginning one of these tasks is whether or not you want to get a return on your investment. If it is to make the home more pleasant and more up to date in order to sell the home, then you have to be mindful not to fill it with extravagances that people in the market for a home like yours for which they are keen to spend extra.
If it is valued towards the higher end of the market, then you can probably get away with some excesses, but if it is for a more down to earth, working class locale then you could easily price yourself out of the market and never get a return on your investment. Keep in mind, just because you love it and would pay extra for it, doesn't mean that you will ever come across a buyer that will do the same thing.
Now, if you are renovating the kitchen and making it your dream kitchen so that you can enjoy it and don't expect to ever sell it, then you can do whatever you desire. As long as you know that the value that you place on your dream kitchen might not be the value that anybody else would place on it, then you don't have to worry about going overboard. You can tack on all of the extras that you have always desired and enjoy them with your family and friends for as long as you reside in the house.
Generally speaking though, investing in your kitchen will net you more money when it comes to sell the home then just about any other single improvement that you can do. The value of the improvement is all relative to how much you enjoy it and how much time you get to spend enjoying it. Ultimately, you can't forget the fact that it is a personalized expression of your own tastes. Whether or not that translates into interest from others so that you can get fair market value for your decisions may affect your choices.