Heating & air is how we live where we do
This article is about how heating & air helps people live in usually inhospitable places.
Heating & air are essential to modern houses. Many people live in places now that would not be habitable except for the addition of heating & air to their houses. For instance,

in some places during the winter, the cold is so intense that it can get down to far below zero. At times like this, it is possible to live in those conditions if a person has the appropriate clothing. But it can be very dangerous to live in these conditions. A person might succumb to something like frost bite or hypothermia. And if a person's body becomes too cold, then they will simply die. So if a person does not have this luxury in their home and they attempt to live in one of these areas that can drop or climb to a dangerous temperature, then they could be in danger of losing their life. On the opposite spectrum of cold, if a place is too hot, usually over one hundred degrees, and then it can be dangerous. If a person sweats too much or gets too overheated, then they could become severely dehydrated. If a person becomes dehydrated, they could get very sick or die. Another heat cause malady is heat sickness. A person usually feels faint and then needs to brought into a cool area and given liquids. Both of these conditions can be dangerous and fatal. But with the advent of modern heating & air, people are able to live in these places where conditions get either very hot or very cold. These places would otherwise be uninhabitable, but because people are able to create houses with temperature control, it means that they are able to escape to a haven of either warm or cold in the opposite temperature. This essentially protects them, gives them shelter from the elements, which could be the difference between life and death of a person. So if your temperature control system fails in the middle of winter or a very hot summer, it is imperative that you get that system fixed quickly, especially if the temperatures are severe or dangerous. If it is very cold, it is a good idea to either go somewhere else, to a friend's house or relative's while you are waiting for a repair person. If the temperature is bearable, then you should definitely still pile on the blankets to make sure that your body temperature does not drop below what is healthy. If it is in the middle of summer, again, it is a good idea to go to a friend's or relative's house to keep cool while waiting for a repair person. If the electricity still works but it is just the system that failed, people could also hook up fans to keep themselves cool. Likewise, if the electricity is still on by the system fails in winter, a person can hook up a space heater to keep them warm and their body temperature at a safe and normal temperature.