Heating Repair Made Simple
If your heat goes out in your house, you are going to want to find a good heating repair guy who will be able to fix it quickly, efficiently, and well within your budget. Here are some tips for finding the right repairman.
When it's cold outside,

there is usually only one thing on your mind-- staying warm when you're inside. Your mind is filled with pictures of a roaring fire, steaming hot chocolate and a good book when you're curled up on the couch by the hearth. Perhaps there's even a dog sleeping at your feet. Maybe you're snuggled up in blankets. Whatever the situation, one thing is for sure. You want to have warmth. But what if your furnace or heating unit isn't working? There's no hot air coming out, no matter how high you set the thermostat. The temperature should be at 105 degrees but you're pretty sure you're getting frostbite.
If this is the case, it's time to invest in heating repair. You're going to want to find a good repairman who can come out and service your unit. The first thing to do is check and see if your unit is still under warranty. If it is, the company that installed it should send a repairman out to fix it in no time flat. If you need to find a repairman, however, consider the following tips as you search for someone reputable and professional:
Try and get a referral. You can ask people you work with that you know have had dealings with heating repair guys before. If you know someone who works in contracting, ask them who they contract to do heating. He or she can probably recommend someone whose work has been proven to be good. You will probably want to get three or four different referrals so you will have a variety to choose from. However, don't just take your friends or coworkers at their word. Someone who works for them might not work for you.
When you call your referred repairmen, make sure you specify the type of work you want done - in this case, heating repair. They need to know what will be required of them, so they can be sure it is something they can do. Also share with them your budget so that they can give you an estimate that will fit within your constraints, or direct you to someone else if your budget is too low. The last thing you want is to find someone you think is perfect, only to realize that they will charge two grand higher than what you can afford.
As a final word of caution, make sure you check the heating repair guy's credentials. Handymen off the street are all well and good, but you probably want to make sure that the person you choose has a license. You can ask him for his licensing number and check with your state's licensing board to be sure that it is legitimate. This will help you to know whether or not he has been cited for misdemeanors or faulty repair work.
The loss of heat in your house can be a terrible thing, especially if it is in the dead of winter. Luckily, a heating repair guy is relatively easy to find if you know what you're looking for. Just be careful to choose someone you feel confident will do a good job!