House Cleaning – 5 Ways to Tackle Your Messiest Projects
Let’s be honest, no one really wants to take the time to clean up. Fortunately, there are a few ways to decrease cleaning time and get on with more important things – like getting out the house.
Many people love the idea of a neat home,

but hate the time it takes to do all the work. That’s why it’s important to take advantage of a few house cleaning tips to help you get control of your mess and, at the same time, get rid of your stress.
Assess the situation
Do you ever come home and wonder how your place manages to look like a total disaster each and every day? If so, then maybe you need to take the time to pinpoint the root of all the chaos. You don’t think of yourself as a dirty person, so it may not make sense why your home is such a mess. Take a day to write down everything you do when you get home. What may not seem like a big deal at the moment can really pile up over the course of a week. So if dropping your bag on the couch, leaving your clothes on the chair or kicking off your shoes in the middle of the floor is a habit, the time to stop is now.
Get organized
Once you figure out what you’re doing to contribute to the mess, the next thing is to get organized. Take time to make sure all your belongings have a place. It doesn’t matter, big or small, everything needs a specific location. This way, no matter the time, day or night, you won’t have to worry about rushing to do a lot of house cleaning when you have unexpected guests pop up, since everything will be in its place.
Have a plan
Although everything is organized and has a place, there are still some house cleaning duties that have to be addressed either every day or every week. While straightening up, washing dishes and picking up clutter should be a daily task, other things like cleaning toilets, dusting the furniture or mopping the floor can be done less frequently. Chart out what duties you want to complete, preferably during the week, to help reduce stress and avoid chaos on the weekends.
Follow through
You could have the most detailed plan in the world, but if you don’t follow through, all your planning is useless. Procrastination is a big issue when it comes to consistently keep your house clean. It doesn’t matter how long you wait, your duties aren’t going in where. Worse, they’re actually getting bigger and bigger. Take the time to attack a project with lightening speed and before you know it, you’ll be all done.
Hire a professional
Okay, for some people, house cleaning just doesn’t happen. No matter how hard you try, maybe you just can’t seem to consistently keep your home tidy. Luckily, there are numerous professional services that are eager to gain your business. Start by asking family or friends for reputable companies. Also, check the Internet to find highly rated, professional businesses to tackle the job.