House Cleaning Schedules
While house cleaning may not be the most appealing task on your to-do list, it is something that can be manageable. The common mistake is to try to take one day and just get everything done. This can be the day of the week or month that everyone dreads.
When the day comes it can be difficult to be motivated and many times that day comes and goes without most of the work being completed. By creating a schedule you can split up some of the simpler tasks to daily and weekly chores.
There are some things that need to be done just about every day. They aren't necessarily the most difficult tasks or the most time consuming but they do have a huge impact on how you view house cleaning. When you keep these things up to date your home will seem cleaner and you will enjoy more of the time that you spend there.
In the kitchen,

unload and load the dishwasher every day. This prevents dirty dishes from lingering in the sink and ensures that a bad smell isn't consistently emanating from the area. Put everything away on the counters and wipe them down. If you finish up this routine after dinner each night, in the morning when you go to make breakfast you will start the day off right.
In the bathrooms be sure to rinse out the sinks and wipe off the counters. Once again, this will only take a few minutes, but it will make all the difference in the world. Move into your room and hang up all the towels and clothes that may be laying around. This is a great night time routine for house cleaning. In the morning, make the bed before you go to work and you will come home to a clean environment.
In the main living area you just want to complete a quick pick up. You don't need to do anything major. Have the kids put away their toys and anything else they may have out. Make sure that the throw pillows are up on the couch and the coffee table is cleared off. The dishes should be taken to the kitchen (to be added to the dishwasher before you start it) in the evening. This style of house cleaning gives your home the appearance of being clean when you wake up in the morning and when you come home from work or school.
There are some things that you don't want to skip out on doing for longer than a week. The bathrooms are one of the most important weekly tasks to tackle when it comes to house cleaning. Start at the top with the mirrors and work your way down to the floors. If you need something to soak, be sure to get that started early on in the process.
The kitchen will also need a more thorough clean every week. Use cleaners to make sure that the oven, microwave, and stove are all clear on the inside and the outside. When you work on the fridge you may also want to get into the habit of cleaning out some of the old food at the same time.