How to change nasty autumn into a great season
Days are getting shorter, temperatures dropping and evenings are much cooler? It's a typical sign that autumn is coming. But who doesn't love this beautiful season when it's still sunny, leaves are changing colours and start to fall? The smell of autumn is in the air. Probably September will bring you such feeling. But what with other months like October or November when it's closer to winter and weather, so as your comfort, is getting worse and worse? You get sick all the time, almost everyday your shoes are covered with mud, and you are seeking desperately for heat? Try to fight with that!
Autumn is a time to focus on preventing or responding to colds,

coughs or sore throats. And for people already predisposed to lung problems, such as pneumonia or emphysema it's necessary to take precautions to minimize vulnerability as we advance towards winter. To avoid getting sick, keep your neck, wrists, and ankles from being exposed to wind and drafts. This is a likely way for an illness to start.
You should remember that the quickest way of getting cold is walking with your feet wet. To protect them from water it's worth to wear some waterproof shoes like wellingtons which you can change at work. And if you also have problems with keeping your floor clean at home, buy a good
door mat which will help preserving your floor from getting dirty.
It's very important to drink lots of fluids to make sure that your scin doesn't get dry because of the wind. Don't forget about good diet, eat vegetables like carrots, onions, potatoes. Avoid spicy food that could irritate your lungs and make them more vulnerable to pathogens.
To build up your immunology system try to keep your body fit. Start running or going to the gym. If you don't have time for that just take a short walk.
But when you get back home tired and totally wet because of the rain (that took you out of guard ) take a hot bath that will make you warm. If it's a smelling bath you will feel relaxed. You wil be also pleased to have a nice cup of ginger tea, with honey and lemon, and sit by the fireplace. Don't have such ability? Just light candles and sit on a comfortable
floor mat with a person you love. That will surely change a terrible day into a romantic evening.
Remember about entertainemnt that might chear you up and during the weekends do everything you like. Sleep as long as you wish, and if the sunny Saturady or Sunday happens take as much as you can from it. Go for a trip to nearby park and delight warm you get.