How To Do Bathroom Plumbing Installation
Interested in running your own bathroom plumbing? The guide below will help you through the process.
Whether you’re currently involved in the design of a new building or are adding a bathroom to an existing property,

the process surrounding plumbing installation isn’t as hard as you might assume. With the right tools and a little knowledge, you will find yourself in the midst of your very own professionally run bathroom in no time. Once you’ve decided how you want your bathroom to look, it’s onto the easy part. In this article, we will walk you through the process involved running your bathroom plumbing.
Step 1 – Start by designing the layout for your bathroom, while making sure you obtain any necessary building permits and code specifications.
Step 2 – Figure out the exact size of the pipe you will be using for your home water supply. In many cases the pipe will be between 1 and 1 ½ inches in diameter. The drain system is generally between 1 ¼ to 4 inches. Make sure you obtain the same PVC and drain pipe that is already in use with other plumbing in your home, and make certain to purchase any connectors and fixtures you will need beforehand. Try and write out a list of all the materials you will need before heading to the hardware store in an effort to save you the hassle of multiple trips.
Step 3 – Measure out the distance from the sink to your sink stub-in. Cut the correct length of PVC you will need to make the connection and figure out whether any connector pieces will be required. You will connect the stub-in to the pipe with the aid of a little PVC primer, which should be applied around the outside of the pipe and the inside of the piece it will be joining.
Step 4 – The same rules apply when running the water supply to the toilet and shower. Measure the distance, cut the appropriate pipe piece and attach using connectors, cement and primer.
Step 5 – For toilets, you will market the area of the fixture as well as the position of the flange by way of cutting a hole with a jigsaw through the sub floor. The hole should be centered at least 12 inches from the wall. The flange can be anchored using the appropriate screws.
Step 6 – Next, you will need to dry-fit the drain line in order to determine that the pipe lengths and fittings for the shower/tub and sink. After you’ve made sure that the placement is correct, you will need to disassemble the system and connect it using cement and primer.
Step 7 – The drainpipes should be run to the sink and tub using the methods described in the steps above. Once this is complete, you will be ready to add your fixtures.
If you find yourself in need of professional help, your best option is to get in touch with a licensed plumber. He or she will be able to address your situation and offer up ideas and solutions to help you achieve your installation goals.