How to Look After Laminate Flooring
Important things you should know, if you want to have beautiful laminate flooring.

laminate flooring is one of the most durable and hardwearing flooring option for the home, but it also requires some care and attention to keep it looking good for as long as possible.Before going any further, you need to be aware that laminate flooring is not natural wood, although it appears to be. Laminate floors are made of a synthetic material known as HDF or high density fibre board.This material is very durable and resilient. The actual laminate floorboard is a mixture of high density fibre boards held together by strong chemical resins which give it extra strength and durability without taking away its flexibility.What does this mean? Simply put this means that laminate flooring should not be subjected to the same maintenance procedures as wood.Laminate flooring should never be sanded, lacquered or stained.The top layer of the laminate floorboard should be kept clean and free of any gravel and loose sharp particles as it will eventually become scratched by foot traffic which rolls these particles around.Generally a quick vacuum and a mop should suffice in terms of adequate cleaning. If you are interested in quality wood flooring in Aberdeen, get online and check out what the local specialist suppliers have in store for you.In order to keep the floor scratch free for as long as possible it is recommended to lift light pieces of furniture in order to move them, rather than drag them across the floor.Laminate flooring will be able to withstand the weight of heavy furniture and appliances with ease, but nevertheless you should cover the feet of chairs and tables with self-stick pads that prevent dragging and allow for smooth pushing and pulling of furniture along the floor.Laminate flooring doesn’t tolerate excess water spills and prolonged exposure to moisture or humidity. You need to keep the laminate dry at all times otherwise the boards will get warped and bend out of place.Wet cleaning of laminate flooring is acceptable as long as you use sparing amounts of water and apply a fast drying detergent specially meant for laminate. It is also advisable to aerate the room quickly after cleaning so that the water and detergent dry out even sooner.In order to reduce the chance of scratches to minimum, consider placing runners or mats in hallways and around the front door as this is where most problems occur.