Indoor Air Quality: Breathing Easy at Work
If you work in an office and have the slightest "germaphobe" gene in your system, you probably worry constantly about the indoor air quality at your place of employment. If you want to transform your office into a place where you can take off your dust mask once in a while, here are some tips towards improving the atmosphere.
If you work in an office and have the slightest "germaphobe" gene in your system,

you probably worry constantly about the indoor air quality at your place of employment. Of course, germs aren't the only thing to be concerned about when it comes to the oxygen you're inhaling. Dust, dirt, and other pollutants can be just as harmful and can make your work life much more unpleasant than it needs to be. If you want to transform your office into a place where you can take off your dust mask once in a while, here are some tips towards improving the atmosphere.
One of the most important aspects of improving the indoor air quality at your office is to get some proper circulation going. Nothing stagnates and stales the air like a room that has no circulation. You wouldn't want to spend any time in a small box with a couple of tiny holes poked in the top, but this is essentially what you're doing every day if you work in an office without good circulation. Only thing making it worse is that you are sharing your box with other people. Look around the office and make sure none of the vents are closed or covered by obstructions.
Empty The Trash
Keeping old trash around for days can really do a number on the indoor air quality of an office. This is especially true if you work in a place that allows eating in the office. Some microwave and fast food meals smell bad enough when they are fresh. This smell is compounded if the refuse is allowed to sit around and fester for a few days. If your office isn't good about taking out the trash, you may want to propose a system where everyone takes turns. At the least, encourage those who eat food in the office to dispose of their trash elsewhere.
They are certainly the rarity these days, but there are still offices that allow workers to smoke at their desk. If you work in such an office, consider petitioning your boss to change the policy. Yes, it will be an inconvenience to those who smoke, but this is one of the big killers to indoor air quality. The facts are still somewhat muddy when it comes to how much harm secondhand cigarette smoke causes to those in the vicinity, but even if it is nearly harmless, you don't want to smell it every day. If it isn't harmless, as many studies have indicated, you certainly shouldn't have to risk your health for someone else's habit.