Install Solar PV Panels To Save Money
Solar panels, also called solar photovoltaics (PV), are made up of small photovoltaic cells which are used to harness the sun’s energy. These photovoltaic cells then generate electricity which can be used to power your home or business.
The past decade has seen great technological advances in solar energy making solar power a more attractive prospect for the everyday consumer.
Why then do these panels make so much sense? The answer is obvious. Sunlight is free. The Energy Saving Trust (EST) has calculated that an average solar PV system is typically 3.5 to 4kWp and costs in the region of £7,000 for materials and installation. Over the course of a year,
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the EST say that a 3.5kWp system will generate around 3,000 kilowatt hours of electricity, which will cover around 75% of an average household’s electricity consumption. In short, a £7,000 outlay could cover 75% of your electricity bill for as long as you’re solar panels remain on your roof and in good condition.
With solar PV installations, you won’t have to worry about the rising costs of electricity again. And there is an even greater benefit of solar power. Not only can you save money on your electricity bills, if your solar panels are generating more electricity than you need, you can sell this excess energy back to the national grid, provided your system is eligible to participate in the Feed-In Tariff scheme. If this is the case, a typical 3.5kWp system could save you around £645 a year, the EST says. In 11 years, the solar panels would have paid for themselves.
Don’t let the British weather put you off either. Contrary to popular belief, solar panels do not need direct sunlight. Think of it in terms of the intensity of light. It can be cloudy and overcast, but the sun’s rays will still generate electricity with your solar panels. Solar panels require little maintenance other than making sure they stay clean. When solar panels are tilted, the British rainfall will keep them clean and ensure they are generating as much electricity as they can.
Not only do such panels help save you money, they will also generate a new area of income with the Feed-In Tariff scheme. Solar PV systems remove the anxiety of increasing energy costs while helping the everyday consumer in a bid to lead carbon neutral lives. Environmentally friendly technology will explode when it becomes cost-effective. Solar panels are the first to fulfill this need. Solar panels will save you money, make you money and best of all, help to create a greener world.