Know The Benefits Of Using Boiler For Households. Read this article to know more.
A boiler is a closed vessel used for heating water in the form of hot water, superheated steam or vapor which can be used for heating, producing electricity and for many other purposes. The fuel and air are put in the furnace for the combustion and for producing flames. This heat is transferred to the water flowing and the combustion gases are released into the atmosphere through the exhaust section of the boiler. Various kinds of boilers are available in the market.
A fire tube boiler contains tubes for the passage of hot gases and the water on the shell side gets converted into steam. It is used for low to medium steam pressure and for small heat capacities. These can be operated with solid fuel, gas or oil. In water tube boilers the water flows through the tubes and finally enters a drum. Combustion gases are used for heating and converting circulating water into steam. This steam gets collected in the vapor space in the drum. These boilers are used when the demand of steam as well as steam pressure is very high as in the case of power boilers.
Packaged boiler is a most common form and it comes as a complete package. It needs only fuel supply, water pipe work, and electricity connection for becoming operational when delivered to the site. It needs high heat release rates and small combustion space for faster evaporation. It has higher thermal efficiency levels than other boilers. It has a large number of tubes having smaller diameter resulting in better convective heat transfer.
These boilers are classified according to the number of passes i.e. how many times the hot gases pass through them. The three pass unit with two sets of fire-tube is the most commonly used unit of this class and the exhaust gases exit through the rear of the unit. The ends of the furnace should be protected by using refractory materials. Since the boiler develops pressure due to the heating process, therefore it should be protected from over pressurization to avoid explosion or failure.
They should contain safety valves for preventing over-pressurization. The designing and construction of the pressure vessel should be done in accordance with ASME (American society of mechanical engineers). Proper safety measures should be taken for the installation, repair, piping and electric installation as well as for combustion safety.
A low-cost and simple servicing action can improve the efficiency of your boiler and cut down your energy bills. Its repairing can be expensive as well as inconvenient. Therefore it is better to keep your eye on it to make sure that it is working efficiently. For this you can take an annual servicing contract. The cost of doing this is significantly low as compared to the money which you have to spend on unexpected repairs. A heating unit that is not serviced regularly becomes inefficient. The professional servicing companies test the functionality of all the components. The technician of these companies inspects and cleans all pipes and components of the unit and also replaces the parts which are not functioning well to keep your unit in the working condition.
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