Learn What To Expect at a Fire Alarm or Fire Sprinkler Inspection
If you plan to schedule an alarm or fire sprinkler inspection, you should know what to expect ahead of time. Learn how the visit may go.
It should be obvious that getting safety systems inspected regularly can be a life-saving decision. After all,

such systems are not helpful if they do not work when you need them to. If you want to prevent the sprinklers and fire alarms in your house from becoming merely decorations, you should arrange for them to be inspected as soon as possible. Consider what to expect from these types of inspections.
When you schedule a fire sprinkler inspection, the company you call will likely ask which system you have. The best companies can inspect the majority of the systems on the market, but you do not want to risk wasting your time by scheduling a professional who cannot do the job. If the expert you are talking to claims that all sprinklers work the same, and that he can therefore inspect any, you should choose another person to do this task. This is because it is important that the one you choose has experience with the type of sprinklers in your house in order to do a good job. You should find out whether you need to be present during the appointment, or whether it is best that you be out of the house.
Another job that you should get done regularly is the testing of fire alarms. If you have ever had a lot of smoke near them and they have gone off, then you may know they work already. However, if you have never heard them, despite burning food or other items close by, you should get them inspected just to feel safer. It is easy to forget about these alarms when they are silent, and it is easy to get annoyed by them when they constantly chirp or beep due to low batteries. But since you may owe them your life someday when they work properly, it is best to put in the little effort it takes to get them inspected now, even if just for peace of mind. Like with the fire sprinkler inspection, find out if you should be in the house during the appointment.
Both types of inspections should usually require more than just a quick test and a verbal confirmation that the systems work. In fact, many companies offer customers print outs of the testing that was done, along with any details discovered during it, such as whether a good cleaning or a new battery is necessary. Some also make it a point to remind customers when the equipment needs to be inspected again, as most companies know that this is not usually at the forefront of the typical person's mind.
Once you know these details of what to expect, and you have a company in mind to do the job, you should schedule the fire sprinkler inspection, alarm check, or both. This allows you to feel like a responsible homeowner who keeps up with the necessities for the house. Though this task may seem mundane, it could save your life one day, so it is worth a few minutes of your time.