Now with the innovations provided by cutting-edge technology, you can have these beautiful textures, and be warm and comfortable using radiant floor heating.
Concrete floors are one of the best flooring elements available,

and now you can have warm beautiful floors using radiant floor heating. The stability and durability of concrete flooring has been well proven. The only real problem associated with concrete flooring has been an inability to keep it warm in your home. With radiant floor heating systems this is no longer an issue. Concrete flooring can be placed in your home, stamped for elegant design techniques, stained to match any décor, and even inset to mimic expensive Terrazzo tiles. Now with the innovations provided by cutting-edge technology, you can have these beautiful textures, and be warm and comfortable using radiant floor heating.
For years radiant heating systems have been used in concrete driveways to melt snow, and ice. The same principle works inside your home as well. With a radiant floor heating system your home is warmed from the floor upwards, sending waves of warmth through every surface you touch, and preventing loss of heat through duct systems, doors, and windows.
Concrete flooring is a substantial surface material that can last for decades without repair, with the proper cleaning, and maintenance. Once you add in the advantages of radiant floor heating systems, the versatile material becomes even more desirable. With a low cost concrete floor, a low energy using radiant heating system, you will be saving money and energy all the way around.
There are no vent systems with a radiant floor heating system, no noise as it comes on or goes off, or even when it is performing. There are no allergens or dust blowing around your home, because it does not use traditional forced air units. The air will not dry out and cause skin problems or respiratory issues because the radiant floor heating system does not remove moisture from already dry winter air, and it maintains constant temperatures throughout the home, from the concrete floor upwards.
Radiant floor heating systems are installed inside the slab on grade concrete, using advanced engineered tubing which moves warm water beneath all the floor surfaces. With thermostats placed in each room or zone, you control the temperature of the water, and each room. If a room is not being used for a long period then simply remove that zone from the heating pattern, and save energy and cost by turning off or lowering the thermostat.
One great advantage of using concrete flooring is concrete offers the highest thermal mass of any radiant surface. Using radiant floor heating takes optimum advantage of the natural radiant energy capabilities and uses it to perfection. For rooms with exceptionally tall vaulted ceilings, radiant heat will rise through the thermal layers of the concrete, and never be wasted as forced air heat is, as it cools in the wide expanse of space between the ceiling and the occupants of a room.
Anyone who works with concrete knows that after many years small cracks will form as the concrete shrinks. This natural cracking occurs under the most optimum of circumstances’, and use. You can disguise the potential cracking when your concrete floor is installed, by using design elements that hide the fine lines of the cracks. Radiant floor heating does not add to the problem of cracking, it simply operates properly in spite of them.