Rodent Control - Misconceptions About Ridding Your Home Of Pests
When it comes to rodent control, the majority of homeowners are perfectly content with putting down a trap or two and moving on. Sometimes the problem isn't as simple as that, however. Here are some of the biggest myths about getting rid of these pests.
When it comes to rodent control,

the majority of homeowners are perfectly content with putting down a trap or two, containing the immediate problem and moving on. Sometimes the situation isn't as simple as that, however. Catching a single rat may not be much of a problem, but trying to get rid of a true infestation will take a lot more effort. It may even demand that you call in the professionals. Rats, mice, and other animals of this nature can be dangerous to children, pets, and even adults. Don't take chances. Know the truth from the fiction. Here are some of the biggest myths and misconceptions about getting rid of these pests.
- Rats and Mice Leave The House To Die
For some reason, there is a prevalent myth that rats and mice will leave the home to die after they have consumed poison. This is simply ridiculous and entirely untrue. While it may have occurred in certain anecdotal cases, there is nothing in the poison that would cause this behavior to be repeatable and scientific. Why is this important? Well, having rat carcasses decaying in your home can bring with it a host of health concerns entirely separate from actually having a pest infestation in the first place. This is why it is wise to have a professional rodent control crew come in and remove the bodies after poison has been administered.
- Cheese Is The Best Bait
This is one of those myths that have been perpetuated by cartoons and movies, but it is nonetheless very prevalent. The truth is that most rodent control experts will use a number of foods before cheese in their traps. Many experts have seen evidence that rats and mice are much more attracted to foods such as peanut butter, meat, and even fruit than they are cheese. One thing to remember is that these animals get the majority of their water consumption from the foods they eat. This means there are much better choices than the relatively dry cheese to attract the pests to a trap.
- Humane Traps Should Take Precedence
This is up for every homeowner to decide before pursuing rodent control options, but the fact is that your safety and health concerns should take priority over the safety of the rats. There's nothing necessarily wrong with talking to your local professionals about live traps and other humane options, but they are seldom as effective as professional grade rodenticide and traditional traps. If you have such a pest problem, your primary concern should be with getting rid of the creatures to preserve the health and safety of your family.